The All Exclusive Podcast
Welcome to The All Exclusive Podcast! 🎙️
Join the dynamic duo, Henry Patterson and Jack Jenkins, as they chat with friends from Potters Resorts and take a lighthearted look at the world around them. 🌍✨
From discussing what makes the perfect short break to having random chats about everything and nothing, they’ll keep you entertained with their unique and hilarious perspectives. 😂
So, tune in for some good laughs and a lot of fun! 🎧🤣
#AllExclusivePodcast #PottersResorts #GoodLaughs
The All Exclusive Podcast
S1 - E17 - Jack Jenkins - Part Two - “Paris Paris”
Are you ready for a whirlwind journey through sports, love, and leisure? Buckle up as we reminisce about our raucous boarding school days, squash matches, and the latest Wimbledon action. We promise a hearty laugh or two as we discuss our guest, Jack's, questionable dating choices and his recurring rendezvous at Harvester. What does he serve as a red flag when he's there? Get ready to find out!
Ever wondered what is Jack's first choice of drink when he arrives at a resort? Is it a Green Tea or a pint of beer? Find out about Jack's preferred drinks, his recent Whitson break, and why he is particularly fond of New Year's Eve. Get ready for some lunchtime special chit-chat, as we share our favorite dishes. Join us as we tackle the Anything But Correct quiz and explore Jack's love of flavor and taste!
Finally, we'll venture into the world of bingo and discover the unique bond between bingo callers. Listen as Jack talks about his favorite show - Around the World in 80 Minutes, and his treasured moments from Potters Resort. Dive into the heart of shared experiences at Potters Resort and hear about Jack's last impulse purchase - a brand-new PlayStation 5. This episode is packed full of laughs, surprises, and enough nostalgia to make you feel like you're right there with us. So tune in, relax, and let us entertain you!
What a week then, henry. What a week Jack. What a week we are supposed to be talking about. Who's just won Wimbledon?
Speaker 2:Well, the match is ongoing, so I thought to make it sound like we're really current and on top of trends. Yeah. Let's just talk about Wow, didn't that tennis player do such a good job winning Wimbledon?
Speaker 1:Why don't we say something about both of them and we can maybe try and remember to edit out the option? Okay, wow, wasn't it so great to see in Alcatraz?
Speaker 2:Alcatraz, that was the prism.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I knew it was something like that, alcatraz, I love an underdog, and didn't he do well?
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm so glad he won. Do you know what, jack? I'm so glad that Djokovic won again.
Speaker 1:Yes, didn't Djokovic do well.
Speaker 2:Yes, he did such a good job. It was a very close match. Do you know what I knew? Djokovic was going to win from the start. Do you know what I knew? Alcatraz was going to win from the start.
Speaker 1:I just could tell he wasn't doing very well to start with. Then he brought it back and he won, and that's why I liked it.
Speaker 2:That's why I'm so glad that Alcatraz won.
Speaker 1:I'm really glad that Djokovic won.
Speaker 2:Wimbledon.
Speaker 1:Wimbledon 2023.
Speaker 2:On C.
Speaker 1:Also, this is our penultimate episode. This is crazy. It's technically the last episode of all the interviews and the next one is a rat pie. It's just a little look, you know.
Speaker 2:Just a small disclaimer In case anyone thinks oh, it sounds different. Today we're in a different room there's a reason for that Our room covered studio is the back wall of it is the squash courts. We didn't know, realize that until we went to record today.
Speaker 1:And we've basically been ousted by a couple of squash players.
Speaker 2:We thought we were being shelled.
Speaker 1:It was loud.
Speaker 2:Honestly, what you may not have known is, whilst we were in our squash court studio, we actually had the microphones turned on and you can hear us starting the episode as the shelling begun. Let's play that now. Press play.
Speaker 1:Henry, our final episode. What a noise. This is whoa.
Speaker 2:Oh my goodness, oh God, oh my goodness, jack, it's coming from everywhere. Here we are, back in the studio.
Speaker 1:Not the studio, back in the temporary office.
Speaker 2:We are literally above, which is quite fitting, Jack, because we spoke about bowls in the last episode we did. Do you know what this?
Speaker 1:room is used for this, one is the press office. Is it really yeah, for the world bowls? This gets turned into a press office.
Speaker 2:And today it's the home of the number two podcast, not-poss, and.
Speaker 1:Dan Woody. She sets up a little office in here.
Speaker 2:Does she really yeah?
Speaker 1:And next door is where the streaming boys they do all their editing.
Speaker 2:That's very lovely, yeah, so really everything happens in here? It certainly does. Do you know what I'm going to criticize there? Go on. There are only four plug sockets in this whole room.
Speaker 1:I'm going to be honest with you. Plug sockets is a bit of an issue in our accommodation. Do you know how to?
Speaker 2:play squash? No, although I once did so we used to have when I was at boarding school. Obviously, we had a half day on Saturday. So we would have a half day of school on Saturday, right, and then the other half of Saturday and Sunday we'd have off. Yeah, that's how that works. We would, after Saturdays, one of our teachers, mr Williams, we would play this game of hide and seek. It's a huge game of hide and seek across all of the school grounds.
Speaker 2:And the grounds were huge. All of the buildings were just spread out everywhere. Some classes would take 15, 20 minutes to walk to. So we would play this game of hide and seek, which would take four hours Because it was the whole school.
Speaker 1:Who was hiding and who was?
Speaker 2:seeking. How did you determine? So the boarders would hide. Mr Williams would start seeking, maybe with a few other teachers. Oh, and he'd recruit, and then he'd recruit. Yeah. But we would do that and then that was always good fun. But then on other days we would play this game where and it sounds really vicious. Sorry, did you?
Speaker 1:tell us about hide and seek to tell us about a different game. Yeah, so hide and seek wasn't even relevant to this story.
Speaker 2:No it was because that was one of the games and one of the other games.
Speaker 2:We would all go into squash courts and we had a spectator balcony up in the squash courts, which Apparently we do in the room covered studio as well, but it wasn't covered, so it was an open balcony and he would switch off all the lights and we would have to basically move around the squash court without being hit by these foam balls which he would pelt down. It was a really fun game. And then when we had night swims as well, because again, we had activities in the evening and sometimes we'd go swimming at night- that's generally what I assumed when you said night swim.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just assumed that that was swimming at the night, but forgive me if I'm wrong. Night swimming what sort of time was that? 8 o'clock in the morning. No, it was like 8 PM oh sorry, I just got confused, because when you said night swim, I should have assumed that that was in the night.
Speaker 2:So in the winter it was pitch black.
Speaker 1:Was it because it was at night?
Speaker 2:Yes, it was. Because it was at night. All of the lights would be off. We would have to make out. Jack, stop talking.
Speaker 1:And you'd be swimming.
Speaker 2:We would have to make our way from one side of the pool to the other without being sniped and it was a very simple. It was a very similar concept of throwing, like how many children were involved in this and how many deaths per week? No deaths. It was like imaginary sniping with again like a water polo ball.
Speaker 1:I still how much visibility was there?
Speaker 2:None.
Speaker 1:Surely there's some health and safety things there, the lifeguard can't see you.
Speaker 2:The lifeguard was once sniping.
Speaker 1:What if someone drowned? You wouldn't be able to see.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it was a fun swim.
Speaker 1:At night.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was like a fun night swim. No one's going to drown, it was fun. Well, this is your second part. How did you find your part one?
Speaker 1:I've not listened back to it, have you not? It's weird listening back to yourself. I can't do it. It's really strange.
Speaker 2:I do think we need to take this time, and I know that we always show a lot of gratitude, but as we're reaching the penultimate episode, as we're on the penultimate episode, this is it I think we need to say thank you to, In the words of the greatest showman this is it. We need to say thank you to Mike Scott.
Speaker 2:And this is me, yes, we do need to say thank you to Mike Scott and Tara Scott as well. They've listened to us speak, especially the past two weeks, twice for a considerable amount of time, and I feel for them.
Speaker 1:I know what you mean. I mean having to listen to you for any amount of time is quite draining.
Speaker 2:Let's not forget that your part one was actually longer than my part one.
Speaker 1:It's not my fault. You and Mark just kept asking me questions.
Speaker 2:Oh, sorry. Anyway, Jack, shall we get into your part two, if that's important to you, certainly is Jack Certainly is Henry. So here is episode 17,. Part two Jack Jenkins on the All Exclusive Podcast Press play. Maybe we should get one of the bowlers to say press play downstairs.
Speaker 1:No, I don't think Rob really has that much interest.
Speaker 2:Press play MUSIC.
Speaker 4:Well, I think the guests over the years have listened to me tease Jack, and I think that Jack himself needs a little bit of an explanation of why-. I need an explanation. Yes, why is it that your love life is so bad? Are you going to tell me Is?
Speaker 4:that the explanation that's coming no no, no, because I've picked up on things, oh God. Obviously, we picked up on the fact that you like to take people to the harvester, which is doesn't seem to get everyone's attention to Well, I think it's got a little bit of something for everyone.
Speaker 1:I took you to there last week.
Speaker 4:And I have to turn around that. Actually, the food was brilliant. I actually enjoyed the menu. I looked at the menu and I went oh well, I cannot stand why. It's just-. I'm not a huge fan of the harvester.
Speaker 1:No no, you wouldn't be here. No but I think it's a good starting point. Yeah.
Speaker 2:But why for a relationship, though? Because do you not think they would judge your salad bar choices? No, that's exactly why I take people there Because you need to see what are you choosing the salad bar. It's a show of character. What's a red flag at the harvester salad bar?
Speaker 1:And trophies.
Speaker 4:But let's sort why. Why the fact that you really can't keep a relationship?
Speaker 1:Well, it's very deep. I know it's not deep, but I'm just saying let's face it. I've been trying to find you love for a long time you have, and very unsuccessfully, Mark, so far. Well it has been.
Speaker 2:We should send him out with Johnny Mack.
Speaker 1:Well, look, I think my Maybe I'm just making sure I Maybe I'm a little bit unlucky, but maybe I'm just trying to make sure I do things right, because obviously it's a very fine line of finding a relationship and then suddenly you realise you've had three wives and lost two houses. Thank you for sharing that.
Speaker 4:It's exactly what will happen? It can happen, but yes, but sometimes you go through. You've gone through most of our dancers, haven't you?
Speaker 1:And most of the team he has, and then when you there has been a couple of singers or dancers.
Speaker 4:Yes, and people from the circus and people. You've sort of tried a lot of people in the whole local area that you're known as Jack the single man, Is he? I'm not entirely sure. I actually say to people do you know Jack Jenkins? Is that the single man, Jack Jenkins? Yeah, I say it is. How do you know my representation? I tried to go out with my sister, but it didn't work out. Did it happen at school? I mean, let's go back Were you pulling at school?
Speaker 2:I don't think with that haircut you would have been.
Speaker 1:Well, no, I mean, I had a series of longish term relationships, but sometimes these things just don't work out that.
Speaker 4:And of course you went. You know you had a relationship on a ship, but of course then you leave and the long term relationship doesn't work.
Speaker 1:This is well it was a long distance, sort of thing.
Speaker 1:I mean yes, and I did have a few relations, while on the cruise ships, the air zones, yes, and they're very intense environments and I did have a quite a very long term relationship with the singer on the cruise ships, but then I, when I came off the cruise ship, she remained on and then went off onto other sort of cruise lines and we overall we spent about a year of our relationship apart. So we must have spent about maximum of like a month or two months together just because of and that I think, if I'm going to be honest with you, when you, when you, when you those sort of long distance relationships, and at that point I think we were just growing into different people.
Speaker 4:Do you mind if I blow my?
Speaker 1:nose. If you must, if it's important for you, yeah, no. But I think at the end of that, we we just both grown into different people and I think you, at that sort of age you're you're still learning about yourself and your life, aren't you and you what you want in?
Speaker 4:life, but aren't you feeling like now, nearly 30 years old?
Speaker 1:Not quite 30 yet, but it's time to settle down.
Speaker 4:Well, you're in a bit Because I've been. I've been mad twice in that time.
Speaker 1:If you want. My honest answer is yeah, I think I, I, I do at some point. I think. I definitely. I do. We've had this conversation, mark. I do want a family. I would, I think. I would I think I'd be a good parent.
Speaker 4:I'm not going to rush into that. But the exciting thing is you're looking at now getting. You've put deposit down, you've got a new house.
Speaker 1:I have recently put my deposit down on my house that's near in.
Speaker 4:October why you'd be moving into a house in Hopton, In Hopton on C. And do you not think that's like the nesting thing, that suddenly then there'll be a the next natural step is there and the next thing you've got children, families and and then you suddenly find that, like with me, 40 years have gone by of potters, because you've surrounded yourself with family and it's quite exciting.
Speaker 1:It's very quick when you have families. It's a quite exciting thought, but you've, you've, you've painted that in such a depressing way. Yes, but no, I thought look, I think I am, I am only growing older. But yeah, within time and with the right person that will. But you've got to find the right person, haven't you Make sure you've got the right person?
Speaker 4:Would we, would we kind of say that you, you've started to woo someone again.
Speaker 1:I am trying without naming it In the process of wooing Rooing.
Speaker 4:It's a named word, isn't it Rooing? I mean, yes, it's good for you. Yes, well, because it's a W word it's perfect.
Speaker 1:Yeah, even the name of the person I'm trying to woo is is difficult for you, mark. Yes, but yes. I mean again. You've got to. I think. I think you will also appreciate like our job is quite full on and intense as well, I think I think with relationships and what we do is all about balance and about understanding You've just made me think of the song that I think if you were to have some song time in your rep you would have liaisons from a little light music. How does?
Speaker 1:that Madame Armfelt sings Because I think why would I be, madame Armfelt? Because you Do I look like an Armfelt? Why does it go ahead?
Speaker 2:You're like Angela Lansbury, she's like liaisons. What's happened to them? Liaisons today, liaisons, what's become of them? Some of them barely even pay their shoddy way. Wait, I'm you?
Speaker 1:insinuating I'm some sort of gigolo.
Speaker 4:No, no, no, she's like um you do seem to go back to song time, you know.
Speaker 2:Today the tables are turned.
Speaker 1:Do we have to do this bit?
Speaker 4:Are we doing the ABC?
Speaker 2:No, Mark, we're not doing the ABC quiz yet.
Speaker 4:Oh, crikey, I'm just going to get a piece of paper to write down and we are designing your perfect Potter's break.
Speaker 2:I can't wait. What a surprise for you.
Speaker 1:It is well. I was not expecting this no you were.
Speaker 2:I'm going to explain the format in two-chart now, but we've already talked about your first experience of Potter's. One question we haven't asked, and I'm conscious that you've already had it, but we always ask our guests what drink they would choose when they arrive on resort. What drink have you gone for today?
Speaker 1:Well, let's what I've chosen today was not be what I would choose for my best Could you have a bit of a drink?
Speaker 4:I didn't know that until I've been out with you. You keep pushing this.
Speaker 2:You keep pushing this narrative as well.
Speaker 1:But I have to kind of agree with Mark. Compared to Mark who doesn't drink.
Speaker 4:I suppose, I am.
Speaker 1:But me and my friendship group have always gone out drinking. To be fair, we do drink quite a lot when we oh, you're a youth.
Speaker 2:You're a youth. You're a young sprite.
Speaker 1:But I think I manage it quite well. I don't sort of-.
Speaker 2:You're a very fun drunk.
Speaker 1:You do say this quite often. I do get a little bit more lovable when I'm drunk. You're a nicer man. I'm nicer to Henry.
Speaker 4:Well then, that's good. That's why Henry likes that, and actually.
Speaker 1:I get more playful, so I like winding people up in my everyday life, but when I get drunk I definitely like to wind people up, so what is?
Speaker 1:your today drink. Well, today I've gone for a green tea, which is a little bit cold now, but again people go. Why green tea? But when I worked on the cruise ships I used to drink a lot of tea beforehand, but the milk on there was sort of long life, not very nice milk. So healthier green tea. And then you just get used to it, don't you? But I think, do you know what I should have gone for today? Do you know what I feel like? I mean I'll drink most drinks.
Speaker 1:Yeah cider, but it's a nice day, a fruity cider or something like that would be really lovely.
Speaker 4:I saw that coming.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I jumped in it just feels like that sort of day.
Speaker 4:Especially when you get a bit of warmth as well. Yeah, I see it a lot people.
Speaker 1:I love a beer garden in the summer.
Speaker 2:We should like to go for a drink of this to discuss the wrap party you can't have, a let you have a cider.
Speaker 1:Yeah, possibly I have got to drive, so maybe just the one. Well, we can eat first. If we're going to talk about what drink I would again, if I was to arrive on the resort, it would be because I know the format. I'm just going to jump in there and say the first thing I would do on resort is I would probably drop my bags off at my room just to make sure I know how to navigate myself back there, and then I think me and my friends whoever I'm with would straight to the bar.
Speaker 2:Straight to the bar. Have what? Will it be? A vodka, lime and lemonade.
Speaker 1:No, I think I'd start on the beers before I move on to the spirits. The spirits are more of the evening. You work your way through. Yeah, the bars, I mean, I tend to work my way through bar.
Speaker 2:What's the type of break you're booking?
Speaker 1:I've given this so much thought and I really can't decide.
Speaker 2:You can get more thought than I did. I literally thought of none of mine.
Speaker 1:No, no, but I really enjoy the New Year's Eve break. Really enjoy the. New Year's Eve break, but I don't know if it's because I enjoy working it in our sort of Environment we got. I just enjoy our.
Speaker 4:No, I agree with that.
Speaker 2:The arb dynamic yeah.
Speaker 1:If I went on holiday, I'd have to go on as a part of a group, because I just love that dynamic of all these people you can mix with. I really enjoyed it as a family break. I really, really enjoyed the Whitson break that we just had. That was just such a lovely dynamic.
Speaker 2:That was one of my favorite breaks. The bar was ill for most of it.
Speaker 1:He were, and I think that was probably why it was so nice for me anyway, but that was such a good dynamic. So I think I want to do something like that, but maybe with the South Terrace Open, because that was a bit cold this year.
Speaker 2:So the Whitson with the South Terrace Open, I think so, with New Year's Eve at the end of it.
Speaker 1:But I want the Trouble it the thing that One of the reasons why I like New Year's Eve is because me and my friends will stay up quite late drinking and on New Year's Eve you've got that late night atmosphere. Yeah. Like it goes on that little bit later. Yeah, it's more so than in the other two of them.
Speaker 2:We can mix some match. So do you want a Whitson break with the South Terrace Open, and the 31st of December is the final night.
Speaker 1:Yeah, why not, if that's what we're doing?
Speaker 2:If that's important to you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I just like all of those elements to it. You've got a bit of sunshine, you've got a bit of late night activity.
Speaker 2:So you're on that break. It's your first morning. What are you doing, Jack? How's your morning looking?
Speaker 1:Are you making breakfast?
Speaker 2:Yeah, because, bear in mind, it'll be after your first night.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I don't think I would make. I mean, I don't really eat breakfast anyway.
Speaker 2:No, we are breakfast people.
Speaker 1:I only really eat lunch and dinner when I'm on holiday. If I know I'm drinking, here we go. I might have a little bit of something to align my stomach, I suppose, but I think I would. Just I would get myself enough sleep for the day ahead, so I wouldn't be too worried about rushing into breakfast, Though I do love the potters hash brands and the full English.
Speaker 2:Oh, we know.
Speaker 1:But having said that, when I went on my cruise I did try and go to breakfast quite often, but only because I knew I had a long day ahead off the ship, so I would eat more.
Speaker 2:So what are you doing in the morning then, Jack?
Speaker 1:I think I'd probably get up. I think I'd probably head to the bar and do a quiz or something. I think, that's the first thing I'd probably do.
Speaker 2:I'm trying to think of your specialist subject.
Speaker 1:Just general knowledge. I haven't really got a specialist. I've done so many quizzes over the years I know lots of random things. I like a cryptic quiz because my brain just works in that sort of way.
Speaker 2:I'm thinking of doing a musicals quiz as well, but I can't do questions like what's this logo of? And it's the cat's eyes. Everyone says cats. I can't be doing that. It would be at what theatre did the Music man revival play in?
Speaker 4:So nobody would get anything. I think it'd be too difficult. I think I'll maybe do it, so it goes up in difficulty.
Speaker 2:And then the final three can be like what theatre? Because someone will know it, because it was.
Speaker 4:What we're talking about. I wasn't listening.
Speaker 2:The Theatre, the Music man revival played in with Sutton Foster and Hugh Jackman.
Speaker 1:What was the theatre Jack?
Speaker 4:He's told us many times.
Speaker 1:Adelphi.
Speaker 2:No, that's back to the future. In the West End I was just naming a theatre. It was the Winter Garden.
Speaker 1:Oh, actually I don't know many Broadway theatres, so I just went for the nearest one, did you?
Speaker 2:know that the Cabaret revival is going into the August Wilson, which I think is really interesting, so they're taking the London Cabaret revival.
Speaker 4:We're now looking at each other To the August Wilson. Do we care?
Speaker 2:But I think it's because it's the only theatre on Broadway that has a foyer. Normally on Broadway theatres you go straight into the auditorium. They don't have foyers, Right. So you walk off the street and you're in the auditorium.
Speaker 4:But isn't that the unique thing of Cabaret that you're being put? You're all part of the whole. You know, you're literally the whole production, isn't it? Am I right?
Speaker 2:Well, I'm going to take you both to go and see London Cabaret, maybe to wrap season one.
Speaker 4:When you say, take us both, it's just a treat.
Speaker 2:Yes, I will actually tweet, you See. Well, anyway, I probably take part in a quiz and.
Speaker 1:I'd probably have a look to see what else was going on during the day. On your notivity person yeah, see, I like a mixture of I don't. I can't sit around all day. I like getting involved and doing things.
Speaker 4:I don't do that. That's the same. I find that you've got to do something.
Speaker 1:If I would, I would probably give as much a go as I possibly can, and me and all of my friends are all of that sort of mindset. Yes, we love a drink, but we love an activity as well. So we probably would. We would do your archeries and air rifles, we'd do as much as possible.
Speaker 2:We interrupt this podcast for a health and safety disclaimer.
Speaker 1:I want to make it clear. We would plan our drinking around the activity. So we would go and we would responsibly do the archery and then go, ok, after that. That's when we can start start drinking.
Speaker 2:The all exclusive podcast. Please arch responsibly. We always ask this question what's your favourite lunchtime special?
Speaker 1:That's a good question. I think I've actually quite a few now. Yeah, I do like beat the entertainer. I think that's quite because it's so varied and you really don't know what's going to happen. No, exactly, and that's, I think, what I like about it, because it's the unpredictability of it.
Speaker 2:I don't know. The only one is really excited for bullseye to come back.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, I'm like really Bullseye is back for the summer, yes, exciting. Yeah, so excited for that Light lunch, or was that going to be your first? It's going to be coronation chicken. It would definitely be coronation.
Speaker 2:Shout out to Celia Potter, who said that she makes the best coronation chicken, and I am expecting to try some. Celia, I'll be honest Because it's a bold statement.
Speaker 1:That is a very bold statement and actually for the last couple of weeks.
Speaker 4:That sounds like an invite anyway.
Speaker 1:I'm there, whether I'm invited or not. Celia, I'm coming.
Speaker 2:Celia, you just send over the date, we can get our calendars together.
Speaker 1:We'll come round, we'll just show up, we'll bring Henry will bring some res tea.
Speaker 2:No, I can bring. There's a lovely, lovely tea, and I remember I had it at Claire's house. Was it last year or the year before this Fortland sparkling tea.
Speaker 1:Lovely.
Speaker 2:Which is like a champagne thing, but it's like a sparkling iced tea.
Speaker 1:I would love an afternoon tea with Celia Potter and some coronation chicken oh come on Celia.
Speaker 4:I wonder if we could combine it with actually me tradition to Judy, because she's wonderful, I'd love to meet Judy Potter you've met.
Speaker 2:Well, I briefly met her at World Bulls, yeah, but I didn't have a long, long time with her. No, that's not the same.
Speaker 1:To me. I eat quite a big lunch.
Speaker 2:You do, but you do say that I can't do. Which is you pile?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:As in like on top of other foods, I have to say.
Speaker 1:I really love food, but I just love flavor. I just like the flavor of things, I like taste. I like love that. I just love that.
Speaker 4:I'm convinced this is a young person's thing. Yeah, I'm so hungry Because I'm hungry now, but I think that as you get a little bit older, you eat less and less you don't seem to eat a lot now.
Speaker 2:I can't stop eating. I rarely eat a lot of food, but me and Rosie are planning a trip to Paris. Of course you will Weekend away in Paris and I just intend to eat the whole time, all of Paris. I'm going to eat France.
Speaker 1:Trying to think where in the world I've had the best food.
Speaker 4:Not on the Champs Elysees, though that's too expensive. They rip you off Some of the best places for food. I'll just point that out, Henry. I've done that. I've eaten. Sky was going to be called Paris. How about that one?
Speaker 2:I once did a drama course like a one-week drama course in Windsor or somewhere, but there was a girl who was literally called Paris, paris.
Speaker 4:Oh dear.
Speaker 2:Who did that to her?
Speaker 1:I've heard. Maybe you told me that story before.
Speaker 2:But her last name was Paris and her parents decided oh, what's a good first name to her, paris. She was called Paris, paris. I wonder what she's doing now.
Speaker 4:Oh, paris, paris, Are you going to try and find out?
Speaker 2:But I just don't think it'll be even possible to search for Paris, paris, because all that will come up is Paris, paris.
Speaker 1:But when I go for food anyway to bring it back to it. I just, I can't decide because I like, I just like the flavour of so much different stuff.
Speaker 2:So I will just, I will just panic Pile it on, but I did have plates though.
Speaker 4:So, this begins. Are we? Are we about to do the ABC?
Speaker 2:Yes, could we not have done this earlier, because my head is right, here we go, and this is the final ABC quiz of this season.
Speaker 4:All but correct.
Speaker 1:No, anything Try again. Actually no, but it's fair that that still made sense.
Speaker 4:Anything but correct.
Speaker 2:Wait, but we want. We're going to do it with the intro, so get the. Abc quiz, which stands for Anything but Co-Wet.
Speaker 1:I love that. I absolutely love that. Can I already say I already know I'm gonna be absolutely dreadful at this. I mean that's why I ask the questions, right well, jack, you know how this works.
Speaker 2:If I was to say what color is the sky, you would say red and it would be wrong. Now you can't say green. That's not what we do here. I'm gonna put 48 seconds on the clock because it takes me a little time to Change the app.
Speaker 1:So I actually I'm not in the right frame of mind. I'm so hungry right now because we've just been talking about food.
Speaker 2:My brain is not working properly, but here we go restaurant as well whilst we're doing it. Are you ready, jack Jenkins? It is nervous. It is really nerve-racking, isn't it? Yeah right, your time starts now. Where do you sleep? In an armchair name a type of chutney. Penguin chutney what color is a carrot?
Speaker 1:yellow.
Speaker 2:What cure is good for a hiccup Custard? What do you eat? Soup with fork? Who won the 2023 indoor world bulls championships? Or is Johnson name a romantic song?
Speaker 1:My mummy used to buy me a bow Wow.
Speaker 2:Describe mark Brewer in one word wet. Capital of England, france. What noise does a dolphin make? Name something you wear on your head a shoe, jack and B Bucket. How do you spell blue, r, e, d? And that is the timer. But I'm gonna give you one more Name all of the seven continents.
Speaker 4:He's getting revenge he is rainbow colors.
Speaker 1:Right, but at least you were able to name colors. However, this the seven, I mean Jupiter, blemond, ice Valley, henry land, brewerville, biscoff Kingdom and Puff in corner just sounds like it is.
Speaker 2:It just sounds like Disneyland doesn't it. Can I point out that mark did not write down a single one.
Speaker 4:The problem I found last week with you, henry. I was so busy writing down the answers that I wasn't really listening to the question was. So I thought today I'll try and listen to the question, hear the answers and just mark it as you go and then mark it.
Speaker 1:Did you get any?
Speaker 2:bonus points.
Speaker 4:No.
Speaker 1:No, and I don't think I deserved any bonus points. No, I didn't think anything there was you know, I mean I did a good, good, good dolphin impression.
Speaker 2:I can't open pressure was good. There's nothing else you said which I think actually made me love. What was it? One that one that I can't even remember it. That's my point one that I want to talk about, describe mark Brewer in one word wet, wet yeah. Yeah, anything but correct Well he's not currently where is he?
Speaker 4:I don't know about the point. Quite dry, because that's water and I'm known for my water. Yeah, but you're usually one dishing out that you're quite a. I Really do anything for that. No, it's usually just you, and they know that's what I mean.
Speaker 2:You're quite dry, so how many points to Jack and with there?
Speaker 4:Well, the good news is are we giving any points for the seven content?
Speaker 2:We don't give one per content. One give one point, like you did for me in the rainbow.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's my point he does get one. Yes, he does although, that you know it, the continents weren't very Enlighting, was it well a puffing one, you know Prove Hill.
Speaker 2:Well, what did you want him to say? Well, no, I just.
Speaker 4:More exciting, like what I don't know, but I was thinking for constant example, mark Um, let's think about it. Was it Wonderland? And I was thinking like the Biscoff Kingdom, I think would have been Biscoff Kingdom.
Speaker 1:I thought was quite a good answer for that.
Speaker 2:I really liked this got kingdom and it's something that I would want to be. Yeah, how many points is that? Yeah?
Speaker 4:the good news is you got 13, Henry. What did you get?
Speaker 2:11 12 12?
Speaker 4:Oh, that's my point.
Speaker 2:We're so what was it because it?
Speaker 4:was the speed of the question that.
Speaker 2:I think I was quite good at speed. Yes, yeah, but I hesitate tomorrow.
Speaker 1:I know. No, I get. I gave you the same amount of speed as I give everybody else.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but I answer the first turn around because I just answered the questions quicker.
Speaker 4:I just think you've got a very incredible feminine touch, henry, because, whatever the word is, because you are able to listen to the question, write the answer down and then discuss why you've done that and I haven't found a way, because this way feminine touch.
Speaker 1:Well, because you know I do two things at once that women have a credible nature of doing other.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all, lots of things in which case, Sign me up bro.
Speaker 4:Oh, that's what I mean.
Speaker 2:I try not for what I am.
Speaker 4:I'm very now more impressed that I tried a different technique, yeah, of trying to listen to the answers and give you yes, that's a good one, that's good answer, good answer, good answer. Yeah, I couldn't write it down in time. Yeah, yeah, with that. Well. I don't know how you do that in one day I'll teach you Well, how many times you've done that.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Double episodes and I don't know.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, quite a few times, and you're right because now all I can see is tick, tick, tick, and I've got a clue what those ticks mean.
Speaker 2:I'm. By the way, I'm hoping you're gonna mention bingo in your afternoon activities. So, speaking of which, we're gonna move on to your afternoon activities bingo Well done. But what would you play? Bingo yeah what would you play? Because?
Speaker 4:because you won't be there. I mean it, would you be listening to the lights of you? Do you know what?
Speaker 1:for the banter, it depends on the circumstances. It depends on if it's on at the same time or something else. If if it's on at the same time, if it's in the evening, like we do have it, yeah, I'll get involved.
Speaker 2:How many books, how many flyers?
Speaker 4:Can you do the full six? I could probably do six and six.
Speaker 2:I think if you can call bingo you can do six and six.
Speaker 1:I have been to bongo, spin goes. Yeah which you get six and six books, and I've Been fairly inebriated and managed to do that. Actually I've done 12 Well a time because somebody was late. The thing with doing 12 at Bongo's Bingo is you can keep up with it. It's just, you can't keep up with if you've got a line or not, or a full house, it's difficult to then pay attention to which ones you're close on. But yeah, I'd probably do six and six, but only if nothing else was on.
Speaker 2:I would move my day to do bingo.
Speaker 4:No, I don't think I'd the only time I've ever really played daytime bingo if I've taught Claire's mum because I know she loves bingo. So I make the point of saying Jeannie, do you want to go and have a game of bingo? And. I'll take her to a bingo. I would, which I find infuriating because they're so straight and got constantly told off by markers and people walking past going shh, because you can't have any form of conversation People take it too seriously, Well we went to the one in Lowestoft.
Speaker 2:There's like a loud room, isn't there?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I ended up there over Christmas because I went to go Christmas shopping in Norwich and I thought, ah, I'll take the train, I can have a few drinks around a couple of pubs during the day, do some Christmas shopping. Got a taxi to Lowestoft, got to the train station Train strikes. That's just how unlucky my life is sometimes. So in the end I decided get rid of the Christmas shopping idea, just do a pub crawl. So in the end did a pub crawl around Lowestoft, ended up at the bingo place. Can we go to bingo soon, me and you? I think that would be quite funny. I would love to do it. I walked in there 150 quid straight away Because I've got a card.
Speaker 4:That shows you the other lucky strength. That's what I mean.
Speaker 1:I'm unlucky, but on the other hand because it ends up being fortunate for me.
Speaker 2:Because I didn't go with my ID and they didn't believe that I was old enough to play bingo. I went from one bingo caller to another. I would never betray that sacred bond of trust that we have, Because I think all of us bingo callers are kind of. We are one, one mind and there is a Hive mind of bingo callers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and there is a sacred bond. And I looked her dead in the eyes and I said listen, I call bingo. I know the rules. Strictly over 18 is only by law and I am strictly over 18 by law, but the callers decision is final. She made that decision so I went and got my ID. He took me back. I think it was Becky. Becky took me back. I got my ID.
Speaker 4:When you say back back home.
Speaker 2:Back here to get my ID.
Speaker 4:And then back up, back, and then back, and then just to prove a point.
Speaker 2:And then I played bingo, but would you want to have that?
Speaker 4:Should the three of us do it?
Speaker 2:Yeah, let's do, it Rocks. You want 150 pounds.
Speaker 4:Wow, another one who's got luck in their lives.
Speaker 2:Let's do it Now. Let's just end the podcast and go.
Speaker 1:We have to wait till after the summer? I suppose won't we. Because we'll.
Speaker 2:It's a shame.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but one night we should go to.
Speaker 2:Me and you can do it on a Monday. Yeah, over the summer. So afternoon activities, jack, apart from bingo.
Speaker 1:I just would give as much a go as possible, I think.
Speaker 2:I think.
Speaker 1:I would save some time to sitting on the South Terras having a drink in the sunshine, maybe listening to a set. Who would I listen to? Me?
Speaker 4:Who do you enjoy listening to Roxy? Yeah, doesn't do it very often. No, not anymore.
Speaker 2:I saw her set the other day. It was amazing.
Speaker 1:She does a really wonderful job. Who else would I pick? Matty, maybe Beth Sean Hathaway?
Speaker 4:Are we thinking of? Are you missing one person?
Speaker 1:Let me just Sorry, let me think you do know that is, oh yeah, no, no, ben from the theatre company. Faye of course. No, because she's fantastic and she's on Tom's phone. She takes her saxophone out as well, so that's Probably listen to a saxophone.
Speaker 2:It's a nice picture, isn't it? Yeah, the air is humming and something great is coming, henry.
Speaker 1:Have you ever? Yes, jack, who would you listen to?
Speaker 2:I would listen to Rosie Mann.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she doesn't do the afternoon set, so I'm saving that for the evening.
Speaker 2:No, no, oh, okay, fair enough.
Speaker 4:Have you actually listened to Henry's ever? I know I don't actually think he has. I don't think I've ever seen you. I have, I've not seen the full set.
Speaker 1:I've caught bits of it. I've been a part of some of them.
Speaker 2:Yes, you have.
Speaker 1:Because, Henry was annoying me once, and then he started singing singing in the rain. Yeah, so in the garden bar. In the garden bar I went upstairs on the band balcony and got one of the water guns and just added that little bit of extra. I like that.
Speaker 2:That was a good impression to his singing in the rain set. Come and watch my full set. Come and watch my full set.
Speaker 1:If I was on holiday and there was nothing else going on, oh my God and I could have a drink, I would sit and watch your full set.
Speaker 2:What about my set or bingo. You see, you go on and go at six o'clock.
Speaker 1:To be fair, I think I would find it quite amusing After drinking all day.
Speaker 2:What Well, thank you, Jack.
Speaker 1:No, but you do, you try and batter it with. I mean, you look funny because you wear funny outfits. Oh my God, none of them.
Speaker 2:I end oh, don't start this, okay, good, and also yeah, it's just quite amusing.
Speaker 1:To be fair, actually, I will actually admit I have not. I haven't sat out front listening to your set, but I have sat it backstage in the garden bar and listened.
Speaker 4:Why would you sit behind, was it?
Speaker 2:a good set, or was?
Speaker 4:it one of my bad ones.
Speaker 2:Because I had good days and bad days. It was a good one.
Speaker 1:But no, it's because I think me and Henry were doing something, so I was waiting for him to finish and I was sat on my phone doing some work but also listening to him sing. Thank you.
Speaker 4:Oh, we're just going back to you. Still would want to do your Champions Hour, which we do on an afternoon, because you like being involved and the street fairs. You'd like all of that.
Speaker 1:I think I'd like yeah, but I'd also like the option of having a PIMS or something or an alcoholic beverage while doing that.
Speaker 4:You can combine that though. Yeah, that's what I like about that, apart from Champions Hour, you can't really combine.
Speaker 2:Would you play bowls?
Speaker 1:I think I would give bowls If I was in a group and we were like, yeah, let's go give bowls, okay. Because I think again it's that little bit of competitiveness as well.
Speaker 4:I went to Five Lakes Not to work. I went on holiday to see a friend and he was there, so I spent overnight and spent the day there and he wanted to play bowls and it was my first sort of bowling, having a game of bowls at Five Lakes.
Speaker 2:There's a question. I'm offended that I wasn't asked by Jack, but we have an ongoing competition on this podcast with Usain Bolt.
Speaker 1:And if you were to challenge Usain Bolt to give?
Speaker 2:bowls. I actually think you would.
Speaker 1:I think I would I only really ever play it once a year during the World Bowls Championship. With.
Speaker 1:Swiftie With Swiftie. Me and Swiftie usually have a bit of a go and actually I can be pretty good at that. I remember when I first got taught Janice Gower who was doing the commentary in 2020. A lot of the commentary for the first sort of week and a half when it was online. She taught us on the international bowls rink on the World Bowls Tour Blue Carpet, which is very fast. My first shot was a touch up Boom.
Speaker 2:You were natural that was it?
Speaker 1:What did you?
Speaker 4:say should begin this lap.
Speaker 1:A toucher, by the way, is when the large ball touches the jack. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Does that happen to you a lot.
Speaker 1:Don't often get many touches. No.
Speaker 2:The large ball doesn't often touch the jack.
Speaker 1:Back to your. No, not many.
Speaker 2:Hmm, we're going to go into the evening. Jack Jenkins Wonderful Dinner.
Speaker 1:First of all, yes, love a bit of dinner.
Speaker 2:Talk me through that Sitch.
Speaker 1:Again, I'm really bad at. If you were to say what's your favourite meal, I wouldn't be able to tell you, because I just love food.
Speaker 4:I like varied food. You've got yourself a second time. Once again, you're stuck with the wreck. Do not find that you pile it on again. What's?
Speaker 2:the difference.
Speaker 1:Dinner here is a little bit better at piling. Yeah. The trouble is I won't eat as much in the evenings because I know I've got to go out and work, and actually I've been eating less or not eating dinner recently as well.
Speaker 2:I've been doing that a few times. We actually both left Mark alone the other day.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we should have been in to dinner and sat him out.
Speaker 1:I would like. The trouble is I like the lunch more than I do the dinner, but we do some fantastic carveries, so I'd probably have to go for a lamb carvery or a gammon.
Speaker 3:I do enjoy the gammon. Actually, I forget about that, do we?
Speaker 4:get gammon Sometimes yeah, yeah, we do, I do like the pork. Turkey. Yeah, I like the turkey because they have the sausages with it.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:It's my favourite day here, because I love a cranberry sauce.
Speaker 1:Yeah, sauce, yeah. I never used to be a big fan of turkey, but recently I've really gotten into it.
Speaker 2:I love the sausages. It always seems to be the day we do the best potatoes as well. I don't know why. Oh, you have a dessert. Yeah, what are you having?
Speaker 1:Just some potato chips and with the key lime, the.
Speaker 2:Keyland Pie.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we did like a really lovely like caramel-tort thing before, but we don't seem to do that anymore.
Speaker 4:But like the Keyland Pie, I remember that when I was If the crumble was there wouldn't you go for the crumble.
Speaker 1:It depends on what I'm doing in the evening, because crumble's quite heavy, crumble's quite heavy. Come in, mr Scott. Enter. Look at this, it's Mike. The Scott has just arrived.
Speaker 4:I've joined you. Good afternoon.
Speaker 2:Good afternoon, mike, good afternoon.
Speaker 1:Mike, I have some presents. I've lost some presents. I've lost some presents.
Speaker 4:I have some of these coming to the post this morning.
Speaker 1:Thank you.
Speaker 4:I believe, from Heather Fingland. Thank you so much. Thank you, heather. What are they, mike?
Speaker 2:Thank you. Oh, my good, I see You've got a little coat, jack, I'll try.
Speaker 4:Oh.
Speaker 2:I have another.
Speaker 4:I have another puffin badge, that's amazing.
Speaker 2:Roxy has a blue tooth. Oh my God, they're all exclusive presents. That's amazing.
Speaker 1:Thank you, Mike.
Speaker 2:This is perfect for the rat party. That is, roxy's got a blue toothbrush. That's amazing. I'm going to see what Fay's got. I've got a puffin. You've got a gold coat. Naturally that has a keep calm and tap dance key ring. You put these down here.
Speaker 1:This is wonderful. Don't you love this? This is what I love about our potter's guests. They're just amazing.
Speaker 4:They intensely listen don't they, they do and pick up on those.
Speaker 2:I've really noticed Fay seems to have the best gift. What the hell has she done to deserve this? Fay it's something I found that reminds me of your podcast. Enjoy Heather.
Speaker 1:How wonderful. Nothing for you, Mark. Not even like a ghost.
Speaker 4:Well, it's probably because she thought I wasn't going to be here.
Speaker 1:Did you know you nearly died?
Speaker 4:She doesn't know yet We'll have to go. Oh, dear Sorry.
Speaker 2:Where are we?
Speaker 4:That was really lovely, thank you, so you've had your key light pie. Yes, definitely You're coming into bingo.
Speaker 1:Crumble's too heavy. That was what. I was trying to do. If we've been to the bingo in the evening, excuse me. I'll get a drink. I'll sit down. I'll have a pool, yeah because I love a game of pool. I do really enjoy a game of pool.
Speaker 2:But yeah, who would you play with?
Speaker 1:Who do I play with?
Speaker 2:Who would you? It could be a podcast team member. Consider this another bonus question who would you want to play a game of pool with you?
Speaker 1:Ed.
Speaker 2:Ed Osborne.
Speaker 1:Ed Osborne. He would be very good, I think. I just feel like he'd be good at that.
Speaker 2:He'd thrashy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, well, no, to be fair, I am quite good at pool. Ed Osborne would. He's one of those people who's good at everything.
Speaker 2:He's so great, but I think I love Ed Osborne. I'm actually pretty good at pool. Do you know what?
Speaker 1:I would love to see Mark Brewer play pool. Have you ever, even what would it be?
Speaker 4:Yes, I played a lot of pool in my early days with my first wife, carol, which a lot of people don't know who that one is, carol, a father we literally went to I used to go, he used to love pool.
Speaker 4:It was another way of getting around families, and I was very much. I wasn't a pub goer, but he would go to the pub and he'd have his pipe. But I would go there and say, come on, John, let's have a game of pool. And then I got involved in a, because the winters were long, I was in the pool team, so there you are. So I used to play a lot of pool. Maybe we should have a little pool tour in the game I'd like to point out, I was no good at it because it was too boring.
Speaker 4:I would want to just hit it hard and hope. I enjoyed seeing the balls go around, flying round and just hope that one would land in a hole.
Speaker 2:What show are you watching on your perfect break, jack, again, I've seen between the two of you.
Speaker 1:You've seen a lot of shows over the years. Right, I'm trying to think what my I did like decades was a good show. I think it's between simply the best, because simply the best is a wonderful show. But I think I'm going to go with what Sean went with and around the world in 80 minutes, because that was a fun show. It had a little bit of everything. It had comedy in it, it had just variety in it. That was just nice. And it rounded off a little bit like what Simply the Best does, because obviously the Simply the Best is taking bits from other shows.
Speaker 1:It had all that round off back to the United Kingdom with the River Dance and all of that it was just you had that feel good thing You've got the end of Simply the Best, but it was just that. It was just a nice concept for a show, I think.
Speaker 2:No, I love that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Got any standout memories of Potters?
Speaker 1:That's a good question. I mean that being told that I was hosting the World Bowls is a big standout memory for me, because it just it was like the whole weight had been lifted off, all that pressure had gone. Do you know what I mean? And I know we talked about that earlier, but it's all just the little moments, isn't it, that are really lovely, like the moments where, like we said earlier, when you get 92 year old run up onto the stage, when you and I know we've talked about this before it's quite a heartbreaking job, when you meet people who are family members, who are struggling because we've no longer got people with us anymore, but they still come along and they still, you know the first time back without their partner or yeah.
Speaker 1:It really. It really does just make you realise what a special place this is and I know we talked about at the end of yours, like the memories that you've got here. But it's all of those small moments of these people who are quite clearly going through something or quite clearly emotional about things, but they're still quite a smile, they still laugh and there's not one particular moment, there's just a collective of all of these special little moments and meeting people and getting to know them and then becoming friends and family.
Speaker 1:Do you know what I mean?
Speaker 4:I think you're right. There's so many you collectively every and it could happen again this weekend that we're coming up to. There's always a moment that can be turned out to be such a special moment.
Speaker 2:Well, I forgot to mention this in my episode, but I think it kind of applies to all three of us. I think one of my absolute stand-up moments are, to be fair, it's mostly when we're in the dressing room.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was surprised, just some of those uncontrollable like the whole.
Speaker 2:Me and Jack once had a whole evening of impersonating Zozo, the Ouija board demon.
Speaker 1:We did.
Speaker 2:Throughout the whole show we drove Mark out of the room.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But I was aching with laughter.
Speaker 4:You found it hilarious, didn't you? It is those moments, and you brought it onto the stage.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yes, we did a little bit, but we get those moments backstage. Do you know what was a really lovely one when we worked really hard to put this last year the Panto together, and we do all these rehearsals and you've got these big moments. And there's a lot of pressure Because when you're putting together something like a comedy show together, you never know how people are going to react, Because you can put down on piece of paper what you think someone's going to laugh at, but what people laugh at could be something completely different. Yeah, and we spent months of our lives putting this show together, putting Robin Hood together specifically. It worked. The same applied for when we did Peter Pan. But all of that hard work and then you go out there, you perform it, it goes well.
Speaker 1:And it was that moment in the dressing room afterwards With the champagne and we sat there, we had a bottle of Prosecco and we just went, yeah, and you just have that moment of relief. It's a little bit of satisfaction, yeah.
Speaker 4:And you've sussed out.
Speaker 1:And we've not really even mentioned right, we've not mentioned I feel like we should the brewers unleashed at Southend. Yeah. Because that is another example. I know it's not, it is Because that is all of our Potter's family outside of you. Yeah, exactly, and actually, and all the Potter's family in essence, for me that was such a wonderful moment Because we had all of these people that you would see at different points throughout the year at Potter's.
Speaker 1:They were all in one room at one time, Collectively yeah, all of those people pomming along, laughing along, and again you. Both times there's all of that stress and you would know that they're putting that together and then afterwards just going, wow. Yeah. Like we did that, yeah, and then speaking to people afterwards- and it is, and after show party was really sort of quite sort of special.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm really sad that I couldn't stay for that.
Speaker 4:You had a few you must have had about an hour and a half, two hours with us.
Speaker 2:I literally had half an hour in that party. It was really sad yeah.
Speaker 1:But it's that again. It's we and we talk about it all the time. We are very, very lucky what we do for our job.
Speaker 1:Not just as entertainers, bringing joy to so many people. But the frequency in which we do our job, like most entertainers, will do a show a week, or a couple of shows a week, or they'll do a tour, or we get to do this every single day, which at times does get a lot, but it's the most enjoyable thing you can do. And it's true what they say If you've got a job you love, you don't work a day in your life.
Speaker 2:No, I think that's. I couldn't think of a better way to round that up, jack to be honest, Totally.
Speaker 4:And one day, Jack, when I'm actually dead and buried, you'll be 66 years old, like me going down.
Speaker 2:That's very specific.
Speaker 4:Going like oh my gosh, where have those years gone? Yeah, Because, can I say, it just goes so fast.
Speaker 1:It is only getting quicker. I think we should take this moment right now and Put it in a capsule and bury it. Put it in a capsule, no, and then in five or 10 years time hopefully Mark's still here- we come back and have this other.
Speaker 2:We have another conversation.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all about these things?
Speaker 2:No, let's do it. I'll make space for my diary, guys.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yes, or we might find ourselves in Broadway catching up with Henry, who would know?
Speaker 1:You can do that if you'd like, yeah.
Speaker 4:And his own, henry.
Speaker 1:Patterson show. Oh, what I love about this is Mark, you keep adding some really lovely sentimental things, but Henry keeps trying to wrap this up and move on.
Speaker 4:He's trying to move on quickly because he's hungry.
Speaker 1:No, I know I'm hungry as well, but it's just really funny because Henry keeps going to take an intake of breath and then you go. But what else? It's just really amusing to watch.
Speaker 4:That's it. Oh God, henry, thankscess, are we saying thank you to Jack Jenkins? We're going to do some quick five questions. First, mark.
Speaker 2:Oh, the last bit of the format Before you leave the resort yeah. First of all, dress up or dress down?
Speaker 1:I'm definitely a dress up sort of person I know you are. I really. I mean, this is the most casual look you'll ever see me which is a T-shirt.
Speaker 2:You're wearing a nice striped short and I think striped clothing is very difficult to dress down.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I'm definitely a dress up sort of person.
Speaker 2:Which Potter's team member would you take on Desert Island? This has been the one thing.
Speaker 1:I really, really don't know.
Speaker 2:Celia agreed with my mom and Jules' choice.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. Do you know what I understand that Celia? I think I almost want to take what Mark said. Yeah, because I think Celia Potter would be just she's like the most popular one, she no, but I think I'm going to have to go for her when you sorry, but she's just so positive and you know she'll just get things done. Yeah, carration chicken.
Speaker 1:Well, when I was thinking of positive people, I thought Sue Driscoll on the bar. Yeah, because she's just such a positive energy. I also thought Andrew Broome, just because I think he would be very practical to have in those situations. Andrew Broome, he's our grand, you know he's our grand, isn't he? Yeah. Because I just think he'd be able to make things better than I would, because there's no point in electrician.
Speaker 4:What about Dave?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:No, I just think Andrew Broome would just He'd build you a weird fortune.
Speaker 1:But Dave would build you everything he would. I mean, you know, if you want to have a little cabin to live in you know you wouldn't want someone to say to you chop down that wood.
Speaker 4:I mean, you'd get no hope. No, no help for me.
Speaker 1:But there's, you know, if all of the people, of all of the people and I've gone through this quite a few times, like all of the people who would be a lot of fun to have I just think Celia Potter would both be fun and practical. There we are. No one would do that.
Speaker 1:So I have to go with your answer there. Thank you. What was the last thing? You impulse bought All this? Now, I was probably a house. I was trying to think this because I am such a sucker for Amazon Prime. I did buy my place up a PlayStation 5 earlier in the year. That was fairly impulsive, that was fairly impulsive, but I had been saying I want one for like a good year or so. But I then just did it and I've played it several times. Do you not get fed?
Speaker 4:up with it, though. Is it not something that you go fully? You get something like that and you go for there for like? Months and then suddenly you wake up going no, I can't go any further.
Speaker 1:I just haven't played on my PlayStation 5 a lot because I don't have the time. But, I did over the weekend on my days off. I think that's probably the last thing I'm really. I think there is something else. I just can't think of what it is right at last. I do just sometimes buy things, so I think that looks cool.
Speaker 2:The final question, mark, let's do it. There we are.
Speaker 4:That's the end of that no, jack, jack's already made his decision.
Speaker 2:He can't answer the question.
Speaker 4:He doesn't know what I'm going to say? Definitely not. He doesn't know what I'm going to say.
Speaker 2:He doesn't know what I'm going to say.
Speaker 4:Well, you're going to change the question.
Speaker 2:Who would you rather take on holiday, mark?
Speaker 4:Thank, you very much who would you rather take Ken. You're not even included, though we had this with the Roxy episode.
Speaker 2:I need to say the question Right who would you rather take on holiday, me or Mark?
Speaker 4:He's already answered three times Henry Mark.
Speaker 1:Why? I just think it would be a lot of fun. It would just.
Speaker 4:The stories and he knows that he could care for me. Yeah, Well.
Speaker 1:I don't think that's the fun element of it. I just think we, me and Mark just have a lot of fun when we're together. I do think, henry, okay the thing is, I think it would be fun going on holiday with you, henry, but I think only for a limited amount of time oh my God, because sometimes Last week after we recorded your episode of the podcast, we had a really, really lovely day together.
Speaker 1:Afterwards we went out, we went to a couple of pubs, we had a drink. Not saying that that's the be all end of it, but sometimes we have a nice time that we spend together and then sometimes you get a little bit too hyper and then the evening's ruined.
Speaker 4:Or you get drunk, henry, or that, because you get the point of, and I have to carry you back home again, jack likes having drinks.
Speaker 2:I was really good last night, To be fair no, in his defense last week.
Speaker 1:It was all very sensible.
Speaker 2:And you went home early and that was nice, but I had a lot of alcohol as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I kept you sensible.
Speaker 2:We.
Speaker 1:I just have this fear.
Speaker 2:There was a bit of a shakiness in Morrison's where we both were thinking actually, oh, we're drinking.
Speaker 1:No, but I think if we were to go on holiday, there's no knowing when you could annoy me.
Speaker 2:Well, that concludes the incident. I will say however, though.
Speaker 1:Yes, it is more likely that me and Henry will go on holiday together then.
Speaker 4:I think it's very likely.
Speaker 1:Because it's very unlikely we'll get the same sort of time off.
Speaker 4:And would I be able to get to have a holiday without Claire?
Speaker 2:Yeah, but we're going to New York to get a mark.
Speaker 4:Well, I keep saying to Claire, I think it's better that me and you just go.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:So that we can actually do the Henry point of view, having experienced his type of holiday.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:Where Claire and I are going to go to New York. We should go our silver wedding anniversary.
Speaker 1:I would like actually, though I'd love a holiday the three of us.
Speaker 2:I just think that we should try and arrange a time.
Speaker 4:Can we do a road like the old road trip?
Speaker 1:Yeah, because I think we could film it and I think people would absolutely find that hilarious, because even I know how chaotic and hilarious that would be.
Speaker 4:Bye, how sweet.
Speaker 2:Well, jack, there we go, that's you done.
Speaker 1:There we go. That was my second. We're pretending like I've just listened to it. I haven't. I don't want to listen to myself back. I said it, I was there.
Speaker 2:I found it really sweet, though, how we did all say bye, bye. Yeah with Mark Brewer.
Speaker 1:It's another little tradition of ours.
Speaker 2:It certainly is. Certainly is one thing I do want to bring up, and whilst editing it I thought of this. In the ABC quiz, I asked you name something you sleep on. You said an armchair.
Speaker 1:Now, I would have marked that as wrong.
Speaker 2:I think I should take away a point Jack.
Speaker 1:Look Henry.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:It's too late now.
Speaker 2:I'm doing it. You can't do it now, yeah.
Speaker 1:Well, I will take away a point for tentacles.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no no no. Will we do this?
Speaker 1:retrospectively.
Speaker 2:Sorry.
Speaker 1:Sorry, we're doing this retrospectively.
Speaker 2:If Mark takes away the point, is that all right? Huh, if Mark takes away the point, is that okay? Well, no, why.
Speaker 1:Why Tentacles? Well, hang on a minute, tentacles, what Right?
Speaker 2:The quiz. Yes, I would like to say this with no interruption when do you go to sleep at night?
Speaker 1:I would like to say when do you go to sleep at night?
Speaker 2:Occasionally he's been an armchair.
Speaker 1:Well, that's just your own fault.
Speaker 2:And I didn't say at night. I said where do you sleep? Not at night.
Speaker 1:I don't sleep. I don't sleep in an armchair. Right Just because I could doesn't mean that it's correct. Just like if you were to wear tentacles on your feet.
Speaker 2:Commonly, people would sleep in an armchair.
Speaker 1:People commonly don't. Yes, they do. Are you joking? I think people would probably prioritize a bed.
Speaker 2:People nap and sleep in armchairs all the time. Anyway, putting that aside, putting it into one thought, I can't look at you now.
Speaker 1:But you mean, you can't look at me. Thank God we have only got one more episode left of this season, because I think we're going to have to replace some of that.
Speaker 2:No, you need to time out.
Speaker 1:Is anything but correct. An armchair is not correct. Go and sit in an international arena for five minutes, sorry, let me just Google what.
Speaker 2:I'm going to step outside for a second.
Speaker 1:I think you need to Come back in when I'm ready. Good, this is beautiful. This is lovely. Now Henry has finally gone, I just want to point out armchair, a large, comfortable chair with side supports or a person's arms. It's for sitting in, not for sleeping.
Speaker 2:Really glad we cleared that no mattress and see if it says you sleep on it. It will say a sprung padded.
Speaker 1:Henry, I thought you'd left. I thought you'd left. I want to just personally say a big old thank you to each and every one of you for listening to season one of the all exclusive podcast. We're wrapping up without me here. Henry, you've gone. You've left the room.
Speaker 4:I've still done it. I hosted the podcast.
Speaker 1:Not if you have a little hissy fit and storm out. I didn't storm out.
Speaker 2:You've stormed out. I'm not storming, I'm just taking a moment. You left.
Speaker 1:Take a moment to compose yourself Now he's gone. Thank you very much for taking the time to listen to my episode. We will be back next week for the all exclusive wrap party A little bit of a look back at the previous season. We're going to be bringing back some of our guests from season one for a bit of a party, a few challenges along the way as well. So tune in for our last ever episode of season one before we take a bit of a break. Have a lovely day. See you next Monday on the all exclusive podcast. Bye, you're willing to come back in and be a normal human being now?