The All Exclusive Podcast
Welcome to The All Exclusive Podcast! 🎙️
Join the dynamic duo, Henry Patterson and Jack Jenkins, as they chat with friends from Potters Resorts and take a lighthearted look at the world around them. 🌍✨
From discussing what makes the perfect short break to having random chats about everything and nothing, they’ll keep you entertained with their unique and hilarious perspectives. 😂
So, tune in for some good laughs and a lot of fun! 🎧🤣
#AllExclusivePodcast #PottersResorts #GoodLaughs
The All Exclusive Podcast
S2 - E6 - The Spooky Séance - Halloween Special
Hello everyone. This is the first time in an episode that we have had to do a disclaimer. I'm going to tell you a quick story about a time where I ordered some Jameleon Marantonka and what arrived was an Oda Parfum of Lyman Basil, which was a truly terrifying experience. Now, the point of this story is I'm quite easily scared and if, like me, you are quite easily scared by that sort of thing and also demons, then this episode may be one to miss. So if you are a particularly young listener or someone who gets scared very easily, there are some content in here which you may find slightly uncomfortable. Just like the Lyman Basil, it really didn't agree with my natural oils. We're in the new studio For the first time. Yes, this is our inaugural studio.
Speaker 2:We're out of the broom cupboard studio. What is this one? This is the the padded cell studio. It's a little bit like that. Well, it's another broom cupboard, but we've just padded the walls.
Speaker 1:My bedroom is now kind of void of furniture. I no longer have a lamp because it's in here. It does look slightly like we're in a criminal interrogation room.
Speaker 2:It does feel a bit like that, but I quite like it because we're investigating Jack, we are investigating today Because it is Halloween. Woohoo Eve, which means this is our spooky special.
Speaker 1:The spooky séance. In today's episode we're going to have a little mix of things. We're going to have a couple of spooky stories, maybe some tips on how to deal with the paranormal. Maybe Jack's wearing his coat, which is the sound you can hear, that is, it's cold in this room. Actually it is a little bit. And also we are going to be investigating on location the paranormal.
Speaker 2:And if ghosts exist, so join us board members as we go in search for the unexplained.
Speaker 1:On the other side In the all-exclusive podcast. Let's play Halloween special, so Jack, before we get into the main event of hunting for ghosts and communicating with spirits. For ghosts or for ghosts. For ghosts.
Speaker 2:I didn't know if we were hunting for four specific ghosts. Like a Pac-Man, but like reverse Pac-Man.
Speaker 1:Yeah, in which? You're chasing for ghosts, like our kind of bird watching leaflets. We have to tick them off as we go along.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and all the Pac-Man ghosts have names as well, so it would be invisible, do they? Yeah, what are they called? Blinky is the red one, blinky is the pink one, yeah, inky is the cyan-colored one and Clyde is the orange one.
Speaker 1:There's one, ghost Jack, or rather one entity which we've touched on a couple of times on this podcast, which we really did not want to run into.
Speaker 2:No, we have mentioned him several times before.
Speaker 1:And he is the Ouija board demon.
Speaker 2:Zozo.
Speaker 1:And I thought what a perfect night to talk about, maybe, who Zozo is and how people get in contact with him.
Speaker 2:Why would you want to get in contact with him? Well, this is not some sort of weird demonic helpline.
Speaker 1:No, I know, but I will be giving tips at the end.
Speaker 2:No, why would you do that to people? I'm sorry. I'd be actually interested to see if anybody actually does go in search for Zozo Okay.
Speaker 1:So what is Zozo? No one knows what Zozo looks like or what type of being he is, or where he likes to go on holiday, but those who have come into contact with him report terrifying experiences. Most commonly contacted through a Ouija board, he seems to be a powerful demonic being with the potential to do significant physical and mental harm. He sometimes goes by other names, such as Zozo.
Speaker 2:Sorry, he goes by the name Zozo or his alternative name is Zozo Also, also Zozo also.
Speaker 1:Zaza Zo or Pazuzu.
Speaker 2:Pazuzu, pazuzu, don't let him possess you.
Speaker 1:Pazuzu. He has been around for hundreds of years, only hundreds.
Speaker 1:I was going to say that doesn't very old seem like it is a long time, kind of wanted to be like Aztec. He sounds Aztec. I think it's wrong. Many people have encountered the demon, one of them being Darren Evans, a man from Oklahoma. He reportedly encountered Zozo while using a Ouija board with his girlfriend. Well, that would be appropriate, wouldn't it? That's not really a date activity, is it? I wouldn't choose to do that. The demon reportedly shared information with Evans from the other side.
Speaker 2:What sort of?
Speaker 1:information I don't know, just like what's going on the other side.
Speaker 2:What does happen on the other side? I suppose only Taren Evan says Well, just like what are the weather's like? What's going on?
Speaker 1:I hope that the information he's sharing is fitting with GDPR laws.
Speaker 2:Yeah, of course, about other people, or exactly. Or is he giving like tomorrow's lottery ticket numbers? That's what I would true.
Speaker 1:Evans became obsessed with Ouija after this information. But over time, zozo became more sinister. Evans eventually had a nervous breakdown, claiming that demons were following him. The demon even threatened Evans young daughter, saying he was going to steal her soul. She nearly died. I nearly died. I nearly died. He pursued an exorcism to get Zozo away from his family, but it was a terrifying experience that left an impression. Evans now runs a site dedicated to warning people about the dangers of messing with Zozo A physical site or a website.
Speaker 1:I'm guessing a website. During his investigations, evans has published some of the warning signs that supposedly indicate that you are meeting Zozo. Do you want to hear those warning signs, jean? I mean, we've come this far. Rapid movements If you're using a Ouija board, the planchette might begin moving rapidly. If you are undergoing hypnosis, the pendant or pendulum might begin to swing.
Speaker 2:Well, that's the idea of a pendulum.
Speaker 1:That's a very good point. Another one is announcements. Zozo might announce himself by spelling out his name on the Ouija board.
Speaker 2:That's not really an announcement, is it? It isn't like he's going. Hello, this is Zozo here. Information on the other side. The weather today is hot.
Speaker 1:Another way that Zozo might indicate his presence is by feelings of unease. You might feel a sudden weight or dread or unease descend upon you. It's a bit like every time I'm put on curling or VR or VR, yeah. And finally, darkness. You might see shadows moving or the room you're in might get darker. He says that if you feel Zozo is with you, do not panic. Hang on. How would you not panic? I would panic, I wouldn't feel comfortable about it, but take action to end the connection, to prevent bodily or mental harm. He then provided some steps of how you break the connection. If Zozo has contacted you, take the following steps to protect yourself. You could block him. That's what I do. If someone contacts me, go to the board, yeah, exactly.
Speaker 1:Step one remain calm. Friends and other evil spirits feed off fear, so take deep, calming breaths and steady yourself. Steady you, alright, jack, I'm steady. Step two close the session. If you are playing Ouija, move the planchette to goodbye and formally close the game. If you are using another contact method, close it immediately. Step three do not speak his name. Using his name gives him power. Avoid speaking about him or to him. Right, that's us. This is what Brian was scared about he did warn us. Step four seek help. If you feel you still have Zozo nearby, seek out help from a paranormal professional or a religious leader, such as a priest or a rabbi, the Pope Mike Scott Zozo is a dangerous demon and you should use Ouija cautiously to avoid contacting him.
Speaker 2:I don't know if I want to ever try Ouija. Just in case, I feel like we've talked about him too much, that I never want to. I don't even want to take the letters off that keyboard and shuffle them around Scrabble, scrabble.
Speaker 1:It doesn't say if you could come through during Scrabble, maybe you could have. We opened the connection so much. I mean we've got a third microphone sat here. Could he be speaking to it now? I mean it's not plugged in, so it wouldn't really be coming through.
Speaker 2:So if he is, I don't know if I feel comfortable playing Scrabble ever again.
Speaker 1:Or Bananagrams.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I used to love Bananagrams we should start playing that.
Speaker 1:No, zozo would be a high scoring word, though in Scrabble Probably would. Yeah, how much would he get? Let's have a look. 22 points, 22 points, yeah. 10 for the Z, 1 for the O, 10 for the Z, 1 for the O. So hang on, pazuzu, oh 26.
Speaker 2:So you're glad to put names down, though Is he a name?
Speaker 1:Or is he a state of mind?
Speaker 2:A name by the sands of what Darren Evans said. I've got a ghost story.
Speaker 3:Go on, jack, one from.
Speaker 2:Norfolk, and I think this one hits a little close to home. Whoa, a family hoping for a holiday packed with sun, sea and sand castles in great Yarmouth.
Speaker 1:Is this from Arbrosia?
Speaker 2:No, no, no and this is my point. Like this is why you need to holiday at Potters, not anywhere else. A family hoping for a holiday packed with sun, sea and sand castles in great Yarmouth was surprised to find a guest had already taken up residence in the caravan they'd been renting for four days.
Speaker 1:That's a caravan.
Speaker 2:Yeah no, this just proves you shouldn't have a caravan holiday, and an invisible entity which made it perfectly clear it wanted them to leave. A wrestler spirit plagued the Dunford family from Cambridgeshire when they visited Seashore Holiday Park in June 1971 for a break in caravan B77. The caravan was cold in patches. I mean that's probably just a caravation.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, that's why you you know, I'd always choose a say, a bungalow above a caravan, because or a hotel premiere or hotel deluxe? Yes, of course the caravan was cold in patches, the members were poked in the ribs and their dog refused to enter the van. I assume it just slept outside for the four days, I don't know. Yeah, when it was removed from its pitch within six years there was another incident in the same area in a new van with the same number Right.
Speaker 1:That was the story. Oh, that's it. That's all I've got.
Speaker 2:It's just a short story about things that found in paper. Someone got poked in the ribs.
Speaker 1:Yeah the dog didn't, and a dog didn't want to come in.
Speaker 2:Ruin the holiday, so really they asked for their money back.
Speaker 1:It's just why people should cancel their membership to the caravan club.
Speaker 2:Yeah, don't go there. You should go for another I don't know resort with an all exclusive package All inclusive package. Oh yeah, All inclusive package.
Speaker 1:With central heating.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:And people who won't poke you in the ribs. Well, jack, both of those, I think, were pretty terrifying.
Speaker 2:Scary. It just proves you need to book your holidays wisely.
Speaker 1:And I think maybe we can use some of the information that we've learned here today to help us in our ghost hunt exhibition.
Speaker 2:I've learned not to take a holiday in a caravan park in Great Yarmouth.
Speaker 1:I've learned how to fend off a demon, yeah.
Speaker 2:And I think we could use that, both of those equal as valuable. And I think that's where we go Visit the old Priory Shall. We go, let's go, let's get in the car. This is strange, henry, I have to say. This is really really strange because we've left the broom cupboard studio.
Speaker 1:And we've left not just Hopped it On Sea, not just Five Lake On Sea, but we've also. We're now in a haunted building.
Speaker 2:It is possibly one of the oldest buildings in Great Yarmouth. We've crossed the bridge. We've entered Great Yarmouth.
Speaker 1:And we've also.
Speaker 2:That is scary enough. Henry was petrified. He insisted on the windows being wound firmly up. It was like I was on safari. This is exciting because this is the first of our all exclusive specials.
Speaker 1:It certainly is. We're here just setting up our equipment waiting for the team from Ghosted UK who are going to be hunting some ghosts with us. We've quoted this on many episodes of the podcast with Mark Brewer.
Speaker 2:And with Brian We've talked about our ghost hunt here in the old Priory in Great Yarmouth.
Speaker 1:And Brian has very kindly arranged for us to come here tonight on this Halloween Eve. Oh yes, spooky, that was Jack Jenkins, not a ghost, and we are going to be trying to communicate with the other side.
Speaker 2:Before we do get started, henry, before we obviously go into this Halloween special, how do you feel right now? Obviously, as you said, it's 2.30 in the afternoon. It's just me, I feel a little bit strange already.
Speaker 1:I'm already feeling a little bit scared. And that's with all the lights on and daylight coming through the window.
Speaker 2:Daylight coming through the window is.
Speaker 1:I don't like the feeling of being watched. I know what you mean.
Speaker 2:I do know what you mean.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know there's the door that. No, I've spoken about this door and I'm sat closer to this door than I'd really feel comfortable with, and I'm even closer and you're even closer, and we're going to have to ask the ghost hunters if they feel comfortable with us talking about demons, because, you know, I'm not the same name in this room. Definitely not, because this is.
Speaker 2:This is the room. This is a step too far, apparently. This is the room.
Speaker 1:But, mm-mm, I don't want to meet him. I mean to be fair. I feel like if we did meet him he'd be pretty chill with us. We've done a lot for his. We've given him profile, great PR, yeah.
Speaker 2:I'm really excited to find out what we're going to be doing tonight. I don't know about you. All we have to do now is just wait until nightfall.
Speaker 1:See you on the other side in this spooky episode of the All-Exclusive, the All-Exclusive, oh God, jakobist, of the Ciscaery, that's fine. Press play and press pray.
Speaker 2:When we arrived at the old priory in Great Yamaff, we met up with the almost caretaker of the establishment, paulina. Paulina, brian's better half.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's not very kind to Brian, is it? No, but I think you would agree with me on that one. You probably would. We spoke to her and asked what to expect, and if she had any stories about the building's history.
Speaker 2:Thank you very much for allowing us into this wonderful building. You're most welcome.
Speaker 3:Thank you for coming.
Speaker 2:Because it's one of the oldest buildings in Yamaff, is it?
Speaker 3:Well, it was founded in 1101. So yes, 900 years and counting 900 years. Wow yeah, super, super old.
Speaker 1:Now we're here tonight to interact with the paranormal Paulina. Yes, are there any stories about its history or anything that we should know about before we venture into this journey tonight?
Speaker 3:Yeah, so going back to 900 years ago, I guess would have been when the monks resided here and their sole purpose was to entertain people from the town, welcome visitors, welcome any travelers, and generally look after the building and also the church next door. So when the dissolution of the monasteries happened and we then entered the Civil War, we then had some rather famous visitors here, I guess. So we had Oliver Cromwell here, who used to stable his horses here, and hence why we have these white hooks that are actually all the way around the hall and also in the area where the bar is. So that's where they would have been tethered, the horses there. So how long have you worked here? So I've been here for two years now.
Speaker 2:Have you experienced anything from the paranormal?
Speaker 3:Personally, I've actually found a strange, rather lovely sense of calmness. I've been in every single room for many hours, at all times of the day and all times of the night. Sometimes in the kitchen area I can feel a certain feeling of somebody behind me or somebody in the kitchen watching. But it's not a negative feeling, it's a calmness, and I think whatever may well be here is kind of glad that I'm caretaker. I mean various stories. Going back to your original question, it became a school for 150 years, so the story behind that is rather a sad one, but of a good outcome.
Speaker 3:I think we had, many moons ago, a clown that decided to do a huge event in the town and he decided to gather everybody together and do a pied piper kind of thing. That went down to the river and he was going to jump onto this boat. That was a duck shape and everybody was to follow one, which they did, and they followed onto the bridge that is now no longer there. So it wouldn't have been the bridge. It wouldn't have been the haven bridge. There was another bridge.
Speaker 1:And it isn't this new annoying bridge they're building now.
Speaker 3:Not the new annoying one they're building now A lot of road works going on around here, although this one might be slightly safer.
Speaker 3:So this bridge everybody piled onto the bridge, had a little look over, watched him get onto the boat and unfortunately the bridge did collapse and a lot of children lost their lives and a lot of adults lost their lives about 75. And that was obviously a terrible tragedy for the town. The church then sometime later decided, because this was the sins of the people, that we needed to do something good. And the priory at this time was still in a bit of a state of disrepair but it was empty. So the church then decided that actually the priory is to become a school and it was for the next 150 years.
Speaker 2:Is there any other stories that anybody's experienced anything while being in the?
Speaker 3:building. I mean there's going back in time which we'll grab that article at some point. We've got the very famous story of the Egyptian princess who was apparently back in the day was transported here to be buried in the graveyard just there. But I think there was some sort of medical reason that they were just sending the mummy here and she did get buried very late in the evening. And the story goes that in the vicarage there was a lot of sounds happening late in the evening that were unexplainable, a lot of knocking sounds. I couldn't quite understand why and investigations were bringing up nothing. And then it was discovered that the mummy had actually not been buried with her arm. So she had to be exhumed and the arm was then placed in and apparently after that the knocking stopped.
Speaker 2:Sorry, there's a lot to dissect. I don't know if dissect is the right way. It's a lot to amputate from that story. Where did they find her arm?
Speaker 3:Oh, I don't know. We'll have to dig out that one, but it was here. The body was still here, but when they'd actually gone to bury mummy, for some reason a part was not there.
Speaker 2:They forgot the arm.
Speaker 3:They forgot the arm. I mean as you do.
Speaker 2:Left or right? Do we know no idea. Why was an Egyptian mummy being buried?
Speaker 3:here Again. This is a bit of an unexplained thing. I mean, the graveyard has lots of pirates, lots of masons, lots of witches and an Egyptian mummy. I love it. It's like a collection of.
Speaker 1:Halloween outfits. It's ever so diverse, it's like a fantasy dress party up to there.
Speaker 2:The question is in our time here at the Old Priory, will we see a clown? Will? We see mummy, not your mummy, I meant a mummy.
Speaker 1:I was going to say I don't think we'll see mummy there.
Speaker 2:No, where is she at the?
Speaker 1:moment, she's probably at home.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and will we be invited to the fantasy dress party?
Speaker 1:I hope so. It sounds like a lot of fun. I hope so, as the sun went down and nightfall came rolling in through the priory windows Over the graveyard next door. The team from Ghosted UK arrived, we sat down with them and asked them what to expect and if anything has ever rattled their nerves.
Speaker 2:Is there a time that you remember yourself being scared? Then Tim, oh yeah, yeah, what.
Speaker 4:I think it takes a lot for me to get scared because I talk to them and stuff like that. It does take a lot for me to get scared, not being big headed, rob. No, no, no that just does, but I think the one time that I felt uncomfortable is we investigated a house in Lowestoft which I'm sure Tim and Andrew will agree, and it was quite scary enough.
Speaker 4:It was a very dark, dark energy, very dark energy, and I saw dark. How can I put it Dark? I wouldn't even say it's a spirit. When people say demonic, right, and I never really like the word demonic because I just think it's too easy to throw around. This thing did not look right, but it this way. And the things that were coming through our ghost box, everything like that that was so clear. They were saying names, horrible things, everything, everything you'd see in maybe a horror film where the word Satan or devil come through, and all that. That literally was all happening.
Speaker 2:It made the Enfield Horn a noctane.
Speaker 4:Well, verbally, not sort of like hologoisty or nothing like that, though we heard walking upstairs a ball fell, went down the stairs. Even Andrew, he was in the kitchen. He was hearing people whispering in his ear, footsteps.
Speaker 2:Put it this way.
Speaker 4:The person who lived there, bless him, was a lovely bloke, but his personality changed to the point where he was punching walls because of this thing that kept getting into his head and talking to him and all these things happening around him. He had to move out. His girlfriend left him with the child because she couldn't cope. She just went somewhere else. He had to move out. That's when we were called in.
Speaker 2:Which are very skeptical at this point because you don't know, with us, yeah, but wouldn't you walk in there, yeah until you investigate it innit.
Speaker 4:There was a spirit of a gentleman there and he was a bit put it on this way on the earth plane. He would have been a horrible, horrible person. He was keeping the spirit of this little girl there. He wouldn't let her pass over. The age of these spirits was from years before, so he was a real horrible person. So there was him, a little girl who was trying to cross over. There was this demonetized horrible thing. We went there a couple of times and we had to go back a couple of times to cleanse it. Luckily, thank God, we managed to cleanse it. The gentleman moved back in, his whole personality changed, the whole energy of the place was lighter, it was transformed, and he still, though, sold up. He said I still have to sell up and move because the memories are so bad.
Speaker 1:So saying we wanted to capture something tonight on the podcast. Where is the best place to start? In this building or in a arcade, Just?
Speaker 2:in general.
Speaker 4:This room is a pretty good room, but there was also a room upstairs that was pretty good Through there and up.
Speaker 2:That was good.
Speaker 4:I'm hoping, as we're talking, that you're actually picking something up now. I mean, the thing is, if that's an intelligent hall I mean they know we're here and they know the surroundings they could be standing there just looking and thinking, ha ha, I'm not going to talk. I'm not going to talk and you do whatever you want and get whatever piece of equipment out and say whatever, it is nice and everything. And if they don't want to talk to you, they won't. If they're back in their own time, they don't realise we're here, then hopefully you can pick something up and that'd be great. But yeah, I would say it was probably in this room, weren't you and the one upstairs, because that's where we got most of the activity before.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there's definitely something here. And then because we've built it with the glass move and you can't explain that it can be in anything.
Speaker 4:I mean we could put the ghost box on, but I think that's too loud, that I didn't have fear with all your.
Speaker 2:We can try, we can adjust.
Speaker 4:Did you want to?
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, I thought we'd, let's go for it. Okay, should we?
Speaker 4:put the ghost box on then. I did know that would be too loud and I didn't have fear with the microphones and things like that. So while we're all talking rootfully, something will come through the box to sort of link in with what we're saying and the questions you're asking, just to let spirit know this is being recorded and I hope that's okay with you.
Speaker 1:It isn't a major outlet.
Speaker 4:It's only the number two podcast in Hopton on C, so yeah, but no, If you want to say something to get out there, say it now. Sarge the Rempons just got off. I know people can't see it, but you can see it. That can only go off if, like I said, someone touches it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the lights are flashing in the sky and there's a play. So does that mean, there's probably someone in here with us now?
Speaker 4:Yeah, well, they either walk through there or walk back there.
Speaker 2:Something triggered the Rempons Say I'm back in the room didn't it?
Speaker 4:Energy's obviously building up a little bit. Can you do that again, force please, or say something through the ghost box? I know you've been trying to, but Look, look, robert, robert Again.
Speaker 2:Is it referring to Robert, as in the Robert that's here, or a different Robert? Well, I don't know Please?
Speaker 4:That is a good question, because that could be referring to a different Robert. I'd like to think that's the Robert here, because In her, in her, it's too obvious. Can you scream for us, please? Or?
Speaker 1:shout.
Speaker 4:I heard that.
Speaker 2:You must have heard that. That was a. I'm going to go check this in the morning. Oh, you're expecting someone else, a voice that was A person that was loud. If I was here, we'd just breathe and then Will you say yes, if that was, you Did. I say yes, that sounded like a yes Right.
Speaker 4:well, thank you for doing that. We do really appreciate it. If you'd love to do it again or like to do it again, we would love you to do it again.
Speaker 1:Can you shout the noise again for us? Just done it. Thanks, I guess.
Speaker 2:As the night went on, we started thinking about what Paulina had told us earlier there had been no signs of demon clowns so far.
Speaker 1:But then we remembered what she said about the horses being tethered. So we asked the spirits if they knew anything about this.
Speaker 4:What animals did they used to have in here? Can you tell us that, please? No, of course, Horse. Thank you. It's not a battle. It can't even cry, wasn't it At the time of recording?
Speaker 1:we thought the horse spirit was just referencing the hooks, but upon doing some further investigation into the priory we realised it could have been referring to something far more sinister.
Speaker 2:During a seance in the main hall in March 2008, a paranormal investigator's made contact with the spirit of a man whose horse was tethered to the building hundreds of years ago. The horse, who was harnessed to a cart at the time, got spooked and the man's legs were severed and dismembered after getting trapped in the cart's wheel. After the heavily loaded cart had gone over its legs, the man bled to death outside the priory.
Speaker 1:Could it be we too were making contact with the man who got pulled apart by a horse Gosh Jack. It's all quite frightening so far. I actually. It was just weird, the only way to describe it?
Speaker 2:it's weird.
Speaker 1:Weird. I mean the kind of screams and the breaths, I mean that's the thing that. That's when it started getting strange.
Speaker 2:Especially when you then asked it and it said yes and yeah, that's what I was about to say. Like, making these noises in the distance is one thing, but asking a specific question of is that you making that noise and then the talk box on the table going yes, was for me one of the freakier moments. I would have enjoyed it if it just went well, duh Like the Billie Eilish song. Yeah, duh, duh, oh yeah, that's nice.
Speaker 1:It just kept getting weirder and weirder.
Speaker 2:I mean, this next clip is the strangest, in my opinion.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Because we ask it to scream again. And Can I just say something?
Speaker 2:before we do Move on. My favorite thing about this and listening back to it, is listening to us and I'm going to say you talk to the spirit like it's a weird thing. Talk to the spirit like it's a small child and I want to find a specific clip. But it's like it's the intonation in your voice when you ask it a question. It's like you're talking to a. Can you do that again for us please? That's exactly what I mean. It's like can you do that again for us please?
Speaker 1:Can you say?
Speaker 2:Poltergeist Knock three times. This actually was one of the freakiest moments Because the bang was so loud In that cupboard near us. That it was. It was just that it was the loudest part. I think I don't know about you, but that was the bit we all.
Speaker 1:Were a little bit shaken up by it was so loud and we've been there when they were there and there is no way that this could have been faked.
Speaker 4:Can you do that? Rest again for us closer, so we can hear you again. Thank you, can you do that again?
Speaker 1:Can you bang the cupboard for us? What?
Speaker 4:Henry.
Speaker 2:Are you standing next to Henry?
Speaker 4:Hey, your name just come through the box Henry.
Speaker 2:Are you stood next to Henry?
Speaker 1:In fear that the spirit stood next to me was about to possess me, we decided to move the investigation upstairs. Right, we're now. Stood in the kitchen.
Speaker 2:On the bar there is a cocktail list, but Brian's coconut dream is not on there.
Speaker 1:That's pretty disappointing. Not for Mike Scott, though.
Speaker 2:Things were beginning to get very tense. Natasha stopped us all because she could smell a very unusual and strange smell. Oh, that's me. Henry is the woman's perfume.
Speaker 1:No, that's me, it's creed. Sorry, it is actually men's. I'll have you know.
Speaker 4:Let me smell it. Yeah, there is Sorry, I didn't mean to say woman then.
Speaker 1:No, he, it's really rude.
Speaker 4:It did smell like a woman's perfume.
Speaker 2:Thank you.
Speaker 4:And I'm surrounded by men, so I thought I Well, it's House of Creed.
Speaker 2:Definitely keeping that in the podcast.
Speaker 4:Does smell quite-.
Speaker 2:Don't Well-.
Speaker 1:Just because I have some garden notes in my fragrance when it-, when it-, when it-.
Speaker 4:When it dries, does it smell more? After Shavey then yeah, no, no, it does. Each of the rows is a problem.
Speaker 1:Listen, my garden notes are-.
Speaker 4:You didn't have your skin and tones all put together together, did you? That's?
Speaker 1:what we're saying you know when people go, and they oh no, put dots on you to make it Well, actually, kind of, I did want to have an atomizer test at Jo Malone.
Speaker 4:And they gave you a girls perfume.
Speaker 1:No, this is-. No, this is creed. They gave me Merentonka with Velvet Resin Oud body oil.
Speaker 4:Oh, I see, very nice.
Speaker 1:Mmm, very posh To to the spirits like that. That's the question.
Speaker 4:I think that'd be they should be laughing. See, now I'm feeling like headed in that breath, yeah, so the energy's changed.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Gosh, that's all in the art.
Speaker 2:That's amazing, that's original.
Speaker 4:I'm all like kids names and everything on teachers and stuff, isn't it?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It's um Gosh, I felt really bad. I'm gonna go get some old ones oh.
Speaker 4:I'm finding it hard to breathe. Yeah, see my head's hurting now and all my hands are tingling 19-0-1.
Speaker 1:What was that, that door?
Speaker 4:Why is it misty? It's a mystery point. Also, why is it misty by the window?
Speaker 1:Did it just set its root to point, just to see what it-.
Speaker 4:Well, I was doing that, weren't.
Speaker 2:I yeah.
Speaker 4:Okay, sorry, I'm bringing it. It's coming up. Why is it gone? Misty and foggy. Who are you, sir, tell me, can you tell me your name? I'm a sir. I'm your um-. Who are you? Are you a Sir?
Speaker 2:If you're a lady, would you knock twice, if you're a man, not once. Sir, sir, sir, sir, sir. So you're a man, could you knock, if I'm correct, if you're a man, once, once? Thank you very much. After three hours of investigating, finally we discovered the spirit's gender.
Speaker 1:Natasha thought that we'd come too close to the other side, so we decided to call it a night. But just before we left, she cleansed us of any dark energy.
Speaker 4:Great spirit, mother, father, god, thank you again for allowing us to be here this evening. Thank you to Robert for allowing us here, and Brian, and also to Jack and oh, keep calling me Arthur, henry, sorry for doing the podcast on us To all the spiritual energies that came to connect with us this evening and we thank you so much and if you ever do need any help, then please let us know and we'll help you. Can the guardian angels come forward, please, and put a cloak of protection around each and every one of us, and can they also take away any negative energy if there is a need that's attached themselves to us, and cleanse us with love, light and pure energy from spirit, and can everyone have a safe journey home? Thank you.
Speaker 1:Okay, so we're in the car after the ghost hunt.
Speaker 2:How weird was that.
Speaker 1:That was really weird. When it started I was like this could be slow, yeah, because not a lot was happening the talk box, not a lot was coming through there, and then it just got so weird.
Speaker 2:It. Yeah. Things just kept happening tonight, didn't they?
Speaker 1:They really did. I mean some of the scariest moments for me or weirdest moments, because lots of it I didn't find particularly scary per se, just very strange. But some of the strangest parts for me that really loud bang on the cupboard door.
Speaker 2:That, I think, for all of us, was one of those weird moments. It sounded like a metallic cabinet being banged.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was like a real doof.
Speaker 2:But then when you looked at it, it was wooden right, it was very odd.
Speaker 1:That was one of the weird ones. I could have sworn. I saw a shadow in the main hall as well.
Speaker 2:There was a couple of times where I thought I saw a shadow or two, but I wasn't entirely sure.
Speaker 1:Well, you feel stupid saying it sometimes because you think is this too much of a cliche? And then I was like no, it was 100% a shadow I saw. Another strange highlight for me, which wasn't paranormal, was when she said I was wearing women's perfume.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was something I was expecting. To be honest, I saw you spray yourself and I knew what was coming.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was thinking is this going to mess everything up? Because she's going to think it's ghostly scents, however, so I do understand what she's coming from. It is a very floral scent that creed. However, it's a summery scent. It's not a female scent, so I do want to throw it out there.
Speaker 2:If that's what you want to say, henry, that's what you want to say.
Speaker 1:Look on their website. Male scents.
Speaker 2:Makes sense.
Speaker 1:Have we gathered conclusive evidence as to whether ghosts are real or not?
Speaker 2:I can't say we've gathered it conclusively. What do you think?
Speaker 1:So I really do think that ghosts are very much real and I think a lot of our evidence tonight does conclude that. I agree with you that some of it's not entirely concrete, but I certainly think there's some stuff there which would strongly suggest it. I guess, jack, this one remains unexplained.
Speaker 2:I think you'll find what we have proven is there's another guest on the all exclusive podcast who doesn't even know your name.
Speaker 1:Thank you. That is our second one, I think, natasha and Chloe Driscoll would get on ever so well?
Speaker 2:I think they would. It would be interesting to see Having some of our guests in that environment from previous episodes, having them in.
Speaker 1:I don't think Roxy would last two seconds.
Speaker 2:No, I don't think so. There were some bits, obviously. We tried to capture, but they didn't come out particularly clearly.
Speaker 1:No, they didn't, and one of them is that I was genuinely touched by one of the spirits physically touched, not emotionally, no.
Speaker 2:It wasn't like an emotional death story.
Speaker 3:No.
Speaker 2:No, we were. Let's just set the scene. We were all set upstairs in a circle looking at each other in the dark when suddenly Henry volunteered to be touched by the spirit. I was feeling quite lonely, you weren't. It was but very bold of you. You're like I allow you to touch me, I give you permission. Like seconds later you felt someone touch your shoulder.
Speaker 1:But it wasn't like a human touch. It was like a kind of vibration in my shoulder and like it was pulsating through me and it wasn't just the once that you felt that, no, and it went all fuzzy. It was really strange.
Speaker 2:It was again another one of those experiences that were very strange to describe, because we were just, there was no one around you, no, and you were quite adamant that there was a physical, a firm grip on me. You seemed to enjoy it quite a bit.
Speaker 1:Well, Jack, that concludes our paranormal investigation for this Halloween special.
Speaker 2:Even listening back to it, it was just a strange evening.
Speaker 1:It was very strange and it's made me think I feel like we should do more episodes like this.
Speaker 2:Well, let's see what people say, let's hear from the board members.
Speaker 1:If any of our board members feel they live in a haunted house, you can always invite us Hopton on Seas, very own Ghostbusters, to come and investigate it for you, or if you know of a haunted building near you let us know who are you gonna call. Do you want?
Speaker 2:exclusive podcasts. Podcast, yeah, yeah, it's the opposite, obviously.
Speaker 1:So let us know we can come, we can I'm not gonna say we can perform an exorcism just yet.
Speaker 2:It took a very long time to do that. I mean, sorry, I understand what you're saying, but it depends how haunted you are, your house or location is, because if it's like mild, like ghosty stuff, then I'm okay. If there's anything more than that, I don't know if I want to.
Speaker 1:I'm all here for Enfield Haunting style Is that what you want. The Conjuring 2, you know.
Speaker 2:I think what's happened is you were touched by a spirit. I don't want it to happen again. Yeah, yeah, I think you are now up for possession.
Speaker 1:I just feel, Jack, like I want to see something fly off a wall, and I know that you don't really want to mess with that stuff.
Speaker 2:Okay, I would like to see this. I watched.
Speaker 1:The Conjuring 2, and there was a character in there. He wasn't even affected by the demon. Nun, that's a film Based on the Enfield Haunting, a heavily credited authentic haunting of a building.
Speaker 2:So maybe we should go looking for other haunted buildings.
Speaker 1:This is what I'm saying. People must know someone out of about 44,000 listeners must know a haunted building or a ghost or a demon, just as long as it's not possession.
Speaker 2:And if you've got any stories of your own, then it is Halloween tomorrow, so why don't you share some of your stories?
Speaker 1:Your encounters with the other sides Encounters? Yeah, Put them in the official Facebook group. But for now, Jack, all of these ghost stories remain unexplained.
Speaker 2:I want to suck a blood.