The All Exclusive Podcast
Welcome to The All Exclusive Podcast! 🎙️
Join the dynamic duo, Henry Patterson and Jack Jenkins, as they chat with friends from Potters Resorts and take a lighthearted look at the world around them. 🌍✨
From discussing what makes the perfect short break to having random chats about everything and nothing, they’ll keep you entertained with their unique and hilarious perspectives. 😂
So, tune in for some good laughs and a lot of fun! 🎧🤣
#AllExclusivePodcast #PottersResorts #GoodLaughs
The All Exclusive Podcast
S2 - E10 - Catching Up
Well, it's been a minute, hasn't it? A couple of weeks, oh my goodness.
Speaker 2:I mean, it's not been a couple of weeks since we've been together, no, but since we've done this, no, we have been in a room since, but wow. Jock, because we've both been travelling.
Speaker 1:We've both been travelling the wide world.
Speaker 2:A lot has changed. In the last two weeks We've not been releasing this podcast.
Speaker 1:So much has changed. I mean, there's a new series of Deal on Odile. It's a big point of it. That is my whole, that seems to be my existence now is watching Deal on Odile.
Speaker 2:I only caught a bit of it yesterday. Is it not weird that it's not Norman Edmonds? No, norman Edmonds, norman Edmonds. So I stumbled on that.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:Edmonds yeah.
Speaker 1:Um, I think it takes some getting used to. No. One's ever going to be no, but I do love it Me and Mark. So I watched the first few episodes with Mark and it's one of those program programs.
Speaker 2:I think I do enjoy it, but I don't know if I want to enjoy it.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's such a guilty pleasure, isn't it? Yeah, I mean, I love it.
Speaker 2:And I, but why? I don't know.
Speaker 1:I think, okay, well, I've been watching it with Mark and the first one I watched with Mark was an experience, because he, when people talk about shouting at a TV, he literally yells at the TV.
Speaker 2:Yes, it's worse during football, but I can only imagine Deal on Odile as a close second Arguably from no, I actually think it's a joint.
Speaker 1:first, Really. Having, because I watched the West Ham match with him straight before that. So, but it honestly, you've never seen anything like it. I mean he'll be there. They'll choose a number of you know, like their mum's birthday, I'll go. Well, why would you pick that one then? Don't you save that one till the end? I do get his logic. Surely the lucky numbers are going to be the ones with the big money in.
Speaker 2:But maybe he doesn't like his mum.
Speaker 1:Possibly. Oh, good point, so you don't know about the player's history with their parents? Yeah, you don't do you? You do have a good point there.
Speaker 2:And if it's lucky, like what is luck in that game. Is lucky getting rid of the blues or keeping the reds?
Speaker 1:I mean, you're doing both by doing that.
Speaker 2:Well, exactly this is the point. Yeah, I mean if you know that's true. I watched the one yesterday. I couldn't call the end of it and he gave up £8,400. Guess how much he got.
Speaker 1:Watch the World Quo with again. One P was first one P cup, wasn't he? First one with a penny? Yeah, reese was his name. What an idiot.
Speaker 2:Sorry, when you have got an option between £25,000, £1 pence and £5,000 in the box and you're offered £8,400. £8,400. The odds are just walk away with the banker's offer. I'm going to have to stop for a second. We've not released a podcast in two weeks. And we've just spent the last five minutes talking about deal or no deal. Like this is not how we're starting this episode. It is how it's on the episode. Do you know what else is new? What?
Speaker 1:else is new.
Speaker 2:This is not new, but they're back. What Minced pie is on arrival? Oh, it's pie's on arrival.
Speaker 1:They are the death of me, though, so many minced pies, because you just walked past and you take one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I just brought you, mike Scott, up a minced pie. You did and you already had one, because you got yourself one.
Speaker 1:That's true, because you can't walk past a table without taking one. No, I took three. My favourite time of year, Jack, is obviously Christmas, New years and new years. However, my favourite delicacy that we serve at reception as I was just saying to Mike before he announced he didn't actually like them, but my favourite one is the sausage the sesame and honey sausages. They're the best. They are the best, and when I was serving them last year, no one got any because I was eating them all.
Speaker 2:That I understand, but I can see that that would be the case.
Speaker 1:They're addictive, they're something addictive. But a can of pay, yeah. Yeah, because you just don't really know how many you're eating.
Speaker 2:Well, you're right, I suppose to some extent, because it's not like.
Speaker 1:you're being served two normal person size sausages, can you?
Speaker 2:remember when we were at the awards evening where we picked up a award and they kept bringing canapes round and we just kept eating all of the canapes.
Speaker 1:Well, we asked them to stop because they kept on walking and we were just like no, let me just take a few. So just stop whilst I eat three from the tray.
Speaker 2:Because it was a lovely evening, wasn't it? But we had to go and do the pre-show and the show, so I only had a starter and I didn't even get to touch my main.
Speaker 1:That's right, I did manage to wolf down my main.
Speaker 2:I think I had three bites.
Speaker 1:That's probably at least a bit, but sometimes I just wish can you just give me the tray of canapes, rather than just leave the tray here.
Speaker 2:Talking of awards, though, let's address the massive elephant in the room. There was a massive £50,000 elephant in the room. It's £500,000 downloads.
Speaker 1:We've done it, Jack. We've doubled our original goal. Yes, we have Now.
Speaker 2:the question is are we ever going to go any further? Are we going to double it again? No, I just don't know.
Speaker 1:Now, when we hit £25,000 downloads, celia Potter said that she was going to buy us something from Fortnum and Mason. She did, and well, it's taken her another £25,000.
Speaker 2:No well, I think she did say something about £50,000. A lovely hamper, and that hamper has come in the guise of a green bottle.
Speaker 1:A green bottle of Fortnum's Champagne which says but not just any. Fortnum Champagne On the label On the printed on the very label Congratulations, jack and Henry, £50,000.
Speaker 2:A big old thank you to all of our board members for being those £50,000 downloads, so it's an incredible achievement. So thank you very much to all of you. How are you going to celebrate Henry?
Speaker 1:By opening that bottle of Champagne, and also I've just ordered some new skincare.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that sounds very exciting.
Speaker 1:I'm going to go back and do that straight after this, because it's actually Well, I'm not working tonight, so instead I'm going to work on myself, which sounds very suspicious.
Speaker 2:Doesn't sound particularly suspicious. Yes, it does a little bit, and other things have happened.
Speaker 1:What's happened?
Speaker 2:Your hair, oh my goodness. Yes, you can't see that right now, but Henry now looks like a small child again.
Speaker 1:Everyone's saying it makes me look older.
Speaker 2:Don't know.
Speaker 1:The number one comment on my Facebook post is you look so much older. And there were 100. I think that's something crazy. Like 130 comments on that post now and the nation is divided.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I did an Instagram poll. 75% of people said it looked heavenly.
Speaker 2:What was the other options?
Speaker 1:Grow it back.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:And the other 25% said grow it back.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Which category do you lie in I?
Speaker 2:don't know. I don't know what happened then. Was there some sort of accident?
Speaker 1:No, I said to Robert at Leo Bancroft. I said to him I think let's do something different, and I got out some little demo photos and went. That's the length I'm going for.
Speaker 2:How long did you spend looking for demo photos Days? Yeah, I can imagine.
Speaker 1:Days, because everything just had to be right and he did a very good job. I must say Good old Robert from Leo Bancroft to pick up Leo. But yeah, it's new, it's here and it's far more manageable and cheaper to run.
Speaker 2:Well, we've obviously got to talk about another reason why we've not been here for the last two weeks because we both went traveling. We did, you went to New.
Speaker 1:York. I did go to New York, had a splendid time.
Speaker 2:Yeah, what did you do, not that I care Well.
Speaker 1:I saw plenty of shows.
Speaker 2:Yeah, good, that's that conversation done, so let's talk about the other thing. No, but I also toured the shed.
Speaker 1:What it's, this new 500.
Speaker 2:Did you look at the garden? No, it's not Marlborough's shed. No, is it?
Speaker 1:erected by Ian Wall. But the gut what it's, shed Fairy? Yeah, sorry, the Shed Fairy. No, it's this new. It's like a $500 million events venue in Hudson Dock. So it's massive. The building moves, it's on wheels, it's like the atmosphere stage, but as a building.
Speaker 2:Well, that was very descriptive. Somewhere else we visited. I'm very excited for next week's episode.
Speaker 1:We went very exotic. Well, not exotic, is that the word?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah to some extent.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we went north. Very north, very, very north, polar, north To the pole To the pole Of the north, the north Pole Pole.
Speaker 2:We did, and when we were at the north pole we went and visited one man in particular.
Speaker 1:Yes, we did. Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer? No, we didn't.
Speaker 2:That's not a man, it's a reindeer.
Speaker 1:Well, we saw him there.
Speaker 2:We did see him and his shiny red nose, but next week we have got one special guest. We've got Santa Claus on the podcast.
Speaker 1:The man himself. Yes, we do. I mean you thought that we peeked from the interviewer in wall, but no, no, we are interviewing Chris Kringle, and I mean his schedule was packed out.
Speaker 2:This time of year is very busy and that's why we took so long to get these podcasts out, because, well, they wrapped us in a putting toys together.
Speaker 1:They did. They actually mistook Jack for an elf. I mean, that's hardly the truth, is it? I think you're, you actually make a good elf.
Speaker 2:I don't take this as a compliment.
Speaker 1:You're little ears and just your kind of ratty face.
Speaker 2:I haven't got a ratty face, but I'll embrace the elf.
Speaker 1:I think I just An elf, you know yeah.
Speaker 2:So we had an episode where we had to advise that no children listen to.
Speaker 1:Do you think?
Speaker 2:it's going to be the same for that one.
Speaker 1:Well, let's see what makes the edit.
Speaker 2:Yeah, anyway, let's now go to gratitude corner.
Speaker 1:Credit should corner.
Speaker 2:Gobi's gang came and they got me, you and Mark, a t-shirt each, and your one says Two posh verpotters with a puffin on it. Whoa Two posh verpotters.
Speaker 1:Boya. I actually quite like this. I could pair it with like a leather jacket.
Speaker 2:It does look very rock-esque, like it's the font of it, isn't it? Yeah, it's banging actually.
Speaker 1:Thank you, Gobi's gang.
Speaker 2:What have you got? Jack Mine says let's have a look. Young, free, desperate.
Speaker 1:It's so right. Look at that.
Speaker 2:Thank you, Gobi. Is this the first time we're going to undo a gratitude corner? My take back.
Speaker 1:Well, Gobi's gang, I'm grateful for you.
Speaker 2:This is from Heather Mary Finkelton. Oh my God, look at this Two, henry and Jack Gunk for you both, and Rachel M Busby. Love Heather Finkelton.
Speaker 1:Is it written on a check?
Speaker 2:No, don't get me excited. It looks like it was from the Salvation Army.
Speaker 1:Oh, that's a shame, because I thought it was from. There's your little gunk. Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:Jumped out of his little gunk packet. Oh my God, I love this. What a tasteful gunk as well.
Speaker 1:Sometimes gunks are quite uncouth.
Speaker 2:It's got a little bee on it, mine's got a little reindeer on it as well. But my little Jay gunk, I'm going to hang that on my microphone.
Speaker 1:And so will I.
Speaker 2:I'm going for Rachel, as well, I've just dropped Rachel's gunk out of the packet and look at this A beautiful little chocolate cabri selection, my favourite stocking filler.
Speaker 1:Oh my goodness.
Speaker 2:Oh, let's open it now. What's your favourite chocolate out?
Speaker 1:of this cabri selection. I think crunchy is really underrated.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know how to country for ages, but I think I'm going to.
Speaker 1:Oh my goodness, this is what you call shrinkflation.
Speaker 2:I'm going to go for a fudge, are you? I'm going to fudge it.
Speaker 1:Finger of fudge. I'm either going to go for a whisper or a crunchy. I might go for a whisper.
Speaker 2:I didn't see the whisper. Yeah, I'm going to have a whisper as well. Wow.
Speaker 1:Nobody wants a whisper or a podcum. This is shrinkflation, though. Yeah, these used to be full size, they did.
Speaker 2:And now I think we should need to talk about the outrage of today that things are getting smaller.
Speaker 1:Jack, where have you got all these gifts from? Where have you been hiding them. I know I told you about these, but you went away.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's true, I did. Now, this is from Sherry and PC Paul. Remember PC Paul?
Speaker 1:I love PC Paul.
Speaker 2:He's offered to give you driving lessons. Oh my goodness.
Speaker 1:This is so. This is like Christmas Day.
Speaker 2:And they have given us these presents.
Speaker 1:It was very funny because as well they're all wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper.
Speaker 2:But before you do that, sherry, during the pre-show on a Friday night, handed Mark Brewer this bag of gifts. I went off to get a bottle or something and she handed him this bag of gifts and he said thank you. And she said no, they're for Jack and Henry. And at that point Mark Brewer just let go of the bag and let it fall to the floor, to which Sherry jumped up in fright because there's glass in here there's glass jars.
Speaker 2:I think they're probably the same, so you can have that one over there Right Now.
Speaker 1:This is exciting. Oh, this is one of our dreams come true.
Speaker 2:Oh God, this is why I love Right, can I just I'm going to call out every other listener All 49,999. Like 98. 98. Oh yeah, 98. Sorry, however, it's a shortbread selection.
Speaker 1:Merry Christmas, literally said in season one. Was it season one? Yeah, I think it was. Send us shortbread.
Speaker 2:It says Merry Christmas. Thank you for all the laughs, sherry Mason, that's beautiful. And it says on the top, not Henry. I think on the top of yours it says Henry. On the top of mine it says not Henry, nice.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you couldn't remember your name. It's a nice change from our other guests.
Speaker 2:No, I just think it means that you're more likely to come and try and steal my that is actually very accurate.
Speaker 1:I have a, a shortbread, sorry. I've just obviously seen that show Last time was Mason, and I've got a wonderful story about someone called Mason. This is genuinely true. So I was in when I was younger. I was in an amateur dramatics group and it was with people of all ages and one of the ladies in the group was called Mason, but Mason with an I.
Speaker 2:Now Sorry, where's the I?
Speaker 1:M-A-I-S-O-M.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, mason Right.
Speaker 1:So let's just think of that for a second, sorry. And my mum, who you know she did French at school and spent the whole four or five month rehearsal period referring to this poor girl is Maison. She thought her name was house and it was only long after the show finished. We were having drinks with some other members of the company and not Maison, but she came up in conversation and and mum went like Maison, and everyone went who.
Speaker 1:Maison, they went. So who you talk about? Maison? Mason, I love your mum, but I was like if you could just spell the name properly yeah. Don't spell the name Maison. It was a classic Rebecca pattern thing to do, but the short braised. Thank you, sherry Maison, for that. Let's see what else you've got.
Speaker 2:This is a beautiful little jar and I have a feeling I know what it is. Oh, oh, oh, I was wrong. Hang on, what if you go? You will love it. It's a coronation source.
Speaker 1:I mean, this possibly is my favorite gift I've ever received.
Speaker 2:Just say that's how you know you've got a true fan of the exclusive podcast, a true board member, because it's a, it's a, it's a little part of coronation source.
Speaker 1:I've got a challenge for us. Is it weird if we try and put this on everything?
Speaker 2:No, I'm in. I'm in. I mean, I think we should just try it with literally everything. We think that's going to taste absolutely rank. I don't think it will be tried over the shortbread.
Speaker 1:Oh, I've got to reveal the advent calendar this year as well.
Speaker 2:Oh no, go on.
Speaker 1:So last year was the disaster of the organic source shallow gel and this year she's bought me a Percy pig advent calendar. Good start, solid. However, what it involves, the one open doors it reveals a little bit like a tiny piece of chocolate, which you would think that's correct for an advent calendar. Where are you going with that?
Speaker 2:sentence A small pig, another little part of the pig, anyway.
Speaker 1:When I puff and I blew that door open. But my problem with the chocolate is it's Percy pig flavored chocolate. I'm just like that's weird. What's your dream advent calendar, jack? That's very good. What would you love to wake up to every morning?
Speaker 2:Terry's chocolate. I mean, I could think of many, many things. Are we talking about just chocolate and confectionery?
Speaker 1:We're just talking about any of the other encounters because obviously you've got the beauty of the calendars, you've got the 24 organic source shower gels that my mum could get you.
Speaker 2:Obviously, I just mentioned my favourite chocolate, terry's chocolate orange.
Speaker 1:For all guests coming on festive breaks? No, this is your one warning.
Speaker 2:No, it just me, that's just because that's my addiction. What about things that you build Well, like Lego?
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, why not?
Speaker 2:You're working towards something every day.
Speaker 1:I rather excitingly, I'm now ready for parenthood. I've decided because I rather excitedly bought my little cousin, rex, who is five. It isn't obviously his first Christmas, it's his fifth, but um, that's how that works, yep thank you. But I went onto the Entertainer Toy Shop website the other day and I've bought him some really great presents, which I'm very excited for.
Speaker 2:Why does that make you capable of being a parent?
Speaker 1:Because, jack, I realise the joy that I get from buying gifts from toy shops. Shall I tell you what I've bought him? I'm going to tell you anyway, rex, stop listening. Got him a Robo Alive interactive ice blasting, roaming dinosaur dragon.
Speaker 2:That sounds like fun I mean, I like toys and it walks around and it blasts ice.
Speaker 1:I wish I had time to play with toys. I wish I had time to play with toys. I also got him a Hot Wheels corkscrew twist play set.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Look at how cool that looks.
Speaker 2:I think that's why I want children just to play with toys myself.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do find myself doing that. He's got a great playroom and he's got some great things there, but also, weirdly, a bag of rocks.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but.
Speaker 1:Which I don't really understand. He was telling me about them because I went over there the other day and he has basically just this bag of gravel and he could have poured it out onto the carpet.
Speaker 2:Did he collect them or?
Speaker 1:I guess so, but he said they had powers and then he would like throw one, which was quite dangerous, but he would throw one.
Speaker 2:And that power was the power of blinding.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the power of Pain, the power of infection. Yes, so he would throw one and then he would do some kind of like forwards roll. Yeah, of course that would be the power. Wow. So I couldn't quite work out how to differentiate each of the powers.
Speaker 2:Did you ever use to watch the old Jackie Chan cartoon? No, you're just such a generation behind. What is the toy of 2023,? Do you think Because that's always the hot topic of conversation in it, like, let's find the toy of 2023 and then the toy of our? Yeah?
Speaker 1:of our birth years. Yeah, hang on, I'm just going to pass you my short press for a second.
Speaker 2:Not that the toy of our birth year really means anything, because we'd been too young to play it, but I've actually got somewhere like an original not an original, but like a Tracy Island and they were really sought after after a while, hadn't they.
Speaker 1:You'll love this but my uncle, Marcus, who obviously helped you with your mortgage yes, he did.
Speaker 2:I'll show that.
Speaker 1:Marko, Big up carbon finance. Anyway, shout out Jade, Shout out Jade. So, Marcus sorry, I've just seen one of the toys. No, I'm going to hide that for a second because that's weird Marcus has been investing recently in a display cabinet in his office of all of and he called it the Christmas presents he put on his list every year but never got, and he's been collecting them all like that's hilarious Death Star models from like back in the 80s and what a wonderful idea.
Speaker 2:It's like a display of disappointment.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like these massive Death Star models that he's put in a display case. I mean he's got like a whole glass display cabinet lit with these little cubes and everything.
Speaker 2:I hope he invites your grandparents around and be like look at this, this is what you can get.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like droids and action figures and remote control cars and all this stuff and all the original boxes from the 80s and he's like if I had got that back then it would be worth so much money now because they're not cheap by those toys from the 80s now, because they're all collectibles, as we know from Marcus. So that just proves that everyone was disappointed that year because they're so expensive, high demand.
Speaker 2:Merry Christmas everyone.
Speaker 1:One of the top toys is a cuddly toy, yak.
Speaker 2:But this year. Yeah, sorry, one of the. Let me just no, that is not the sponsor toys.
Speaker 1:It's a Highland cow.
Speaker 2:No, you can't rely on T-Moo, it's a Highland cow.
Speaker 1:That's not. No, I disagree with that. I have a flesh eating plant from John Lewis Christmas Outlet.
Speaker 2:Go on to this 23 toys. The yak is not the top toy.
Speaker 1:What about the John Lewis plant, the one that eats people? No, okay, barbie, obviously yeah. You've seen the Mariah Carey Barbies flying off the shelves.
Speaker 2:No, I saw that. I saw what they want for Christmas.
Speaker 1:Okay, what toys will be best sellers? So Gabby's Dolehouse.
Speaker 2:No idea who Gabby is. Who the hell's Gabby?
Speaker 1:Gabby's Convertible Dole Car Limb Mew Papi Koka Buu. It's currently out of stock. Melissa and Doug Barber role play set.
Speaker 2:Right, okay.
Speaker 1:So if you want to cut hair, a John Lewis Wooden Cafe set. I mean, that's a staple, isn't it really?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean who else Like what child doesn't want to spend his life thinking he's in an artisan cafe?
Speaker 1:Fisher Price Mix and Learn Music Table.
Speaker 2:Right.
Speaker 1:Those DJs out. Hey, how's Bro Ferby? Ferby's are just still hanging around. Yeah, let's scan their two. Lego holiday main street. What happens on main street? Let's have a look at that. Should we just buy one of these for ourselves? I would love nothing more. Generally, if someone does want to get me this, you can. A big, old, chunky Lego set. Not like chunky bricks, but just a big Lego project.
Speaker 2:No, I love Lego. Because I love building things and I love making things. Should we go and spend everything around the?
Speaker 1:house by a fire, drinking hot chocolate and making Lego.
Speaker 2:I was all for it until you said it in a really weird way at the end.
Speaker 1:Today, jack, when this episode goes out, is our resort secret Santa, our department secret Santa. Now, because the episode is going out today, we'll already have done secret Santa pretty much by the time, unless they listen to it in the morning. Our colleagues do not listen to this podcast.
Speaker 2:That's very true. Yeah, you're right.
Speaker 1:So would you like to reveal who you've got for secret Santa? I've got. Twitch oh what have you got? What have you got? What have you got? I've got Rachel Bady, so what? Have you got? I've got him a bottle of whiskey. Does he like whiskey?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:How do you know?
Speaker 2:Because he's told me before that's good and he's mentioned it a couple of times. I pick up on things.
Speaker 1:So I have got Rachel some deep heat.
Speaker 2:How deep is the heat.
Speaker 1:I've got some deep heat, some muscle soak bubble bath but not redox like an actual nice one and some muscle bath salts, because Rachel recently did her knee in and she keeps telling me how much pain she's in with her knee.
Speaker 2:She's hurt her knee so I think that's a nice gift, that's good, that's nice yeah.
Speaker 1:Like it's practical, isn't it?
Speaker 2:So it's mine. Yeah, practical, you could drink whiskey.
Speaker 1:She could drink the whiskey with Twitch whilst having her bath salts. I'm not going to say that Twitch is, you know, rubbing In the bath With Twitch in the bath.
Speaker 2:Fair enough, yeah, what they want to do in this spare time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely. But yes, that's what I've got. Rachel, who do you reckon has you, and what would you most want?
Speaker 2:I don't even know what I want for Christmas alone, let alone I don't know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do have to respond to Marcus and Sarah. They asked me what I wanted. I hate it when people ask what do you want for Christmas. I'm like I don't know, because it was easier back in the day when you could say A Lego set, a Lego set.
Speaker 2:Yeah, now, you can't ask for Lego nowadays.
Speaker 1:Actually, I think Marcus would love to get me a Lego set to build with you, but I think I'm going to ask for just an everyman vouchers.
Speaker 2:Fair enough.
Speaker 1:Because when I go to Liverpool Street Station, which is often, there's a really nice everyman cinema at Broadgate and I'd like to make a point now of going every time I'm there, because I want to see just more films.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think I'd like some done elm vouchers. Done elm, because it's got lots of house stuff in it.
Speaker 1:I'm sure that could be arranged, jack yeah.
Speaker 2:Who knows, beautiful. But that's today, but tomorrow, tomorrow, now we've not talked about it on the. Maybe we talked about it a little bit on the last podcast, I can't remember now Slightly. We've obviously launched the Jack's Drive to Save Lives, the 30 before 30 challenge. Very dim and mindful, but we've actually raised quite a lot of money so far. I saw.
Speaker 1:I've not even done anything.
Speaker 2:Let's have a look and then let's just have a yes type it in there £1,700. Right, but since then, on Resort fundraising, we must have wrote. I mean, on Tuesday night alone we raised another nearly £600. Wow, so I think we're nearly over £3,000 already. That's incredible.
Speaker 1:We've just not updated the system. We've just not updated the system. Donated the Hawkers Aaron Vicky, joe Moore, sue Cross, sharon Summons, anonymous, sean Russell, the Duggins family, chris Rochelle and Maureen Grayson, just to name a few.
Speaker 2:A big thank you to all of them. Shout out to Joe, of course, as well. But yeah, on Resort funding, that must go over £3,000 now, which is absolutely fantastic considering. I've not actually done any challenges yet, but Tomorrow that's all going to change. We've just released a video on it.
Speaker 1:I don't know anything about it other than I don't actually know what to think I'm really and I'm not even just saying this to scare you I'm really nervous to watch it because I think it's going to be horrible.
Speaker 2:Horrible in what way? But without telling me.
Speaker 1:Conventions exist to stop this from happening to people. There are diplomatic laws. That stops what you're going to go through.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you're just scrambling my brain even more.
Speaker 1:Like if this was not in peacetime, it would be illegal. What's going to happen to you tomorrow? Is it something to do with the army? No, it's not to do with the army no.
Speaker 2:The army of.
Speaker 1:No, not, it isn't anything to do with the military.
Speaker 2:You and Mike haven't told me anything about it and I haven't been worried about it, but the more I talked to you about it, the more I'm like I really don't know what.
Speaker 1:Let's just say that when the idea was presented, he deemed it so important that he phoned me whilst I was in New York to tell me what it was and to use me as a soundboard of is this actually too hard? And I went. Jack wanted to raise £30,000.
Speaker 2:It's a lot of money, let's put this into the Obviously we're doing to raise money for the Norfolk Axis Rescue Service? Yeah, to raise money for a new first response vehicle. With your face on it, with my face on it, apparently Do you think that this challenge is worthy of donating money to, as in like tomorrow's At?
Speaker 1:least I mean like this is big, big, big donations, because Mike did mention, by the way, and I don't know if we ever use this clip but if you donate over £100, you get your name on the first response vehicle.
Speaker 2:Like actually on the car. We never actually used that entire conversation with him.
Speaker 1:No, we didn't. So if you do donate over 100 pounds, then you get your name on the car. Now let me just say the challenge that Jack is going to go through tomorrow is well worth your name being on a car.
Speaker 2:I just wouldn't do it. Do you think I would? Well, I am going to do it. Well, you don't have a choice. I don't have a choice, but do you think if I knew what it was I wouldn't do it? I think if you knew now you'd back out. I'm not going to back out, but I feel like I'm on my celebrity to get me out of here.
Speaker 1:That's what it feels like I've never seen a challenge on that. That's worse than what you're doing here.
Speaker 2:Okay, if you were to give me one piece of advice to prepare myself for the challenge I don't know anything about, without giving it away what's the one piece of advice you would say for me to prepare myself?
Speaker 1:I'm going to go with meditation techniques.
Speaker 2:What do you mean by quick?
Speaker 1:I've got some meditation that you can use at the drop of a hat to get yourself into a very calm mindset.
Speaker 2:This is going to be really interesting. I'm weirdly looking forward to it, but only because I am actually terrified. Yeah, I'm trying to think of a clean word for terrified.
Speaker 1:All I'm going to say is there is a genuine, legitimate chance of death.
Speaker 2:Will the Norfolk Accident Rescue Service be on hand?
Speaker 1:Probably yeah, they probably will.
Speaker 2:Then I feel comfortable. Shall we invite them there. I would be annoyed if they're not there. I think they actually will be there.
Speaker 1:I'm sending someone from their own ranks to come and watch you, just in case.
Speaker 2:I can't wait to listen to. If it all goes well.
Speaker 1:I can't wait to listen back to this conversation, you've said one line in particular, which you'll think oh my God, oh no. This is how I'm going to try to wrap up this episode.
Speaker 2:No, I know I'm in a state of panic right now.
Speaker 1:It's actually starting to get to you, isn't it? It is First. You were really blasé about this.
Speaker 2:This is the first time I'm a bit like oh no it isn't great.
Speaker 1:I just wouldn't do it, Even for £30,000 going to charity. Now that may make me a horrible person, but I don't think it does. I want to live.
Speaker 2:I'm leaving now. Bye, jack, bye.